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4000 Character Limit Or Not?

Jamie Z

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I recently posted a detailed log describing my visit to an archived multicache which I believed to still exist.


The log was rather long, but I figured still within the limits of the website. (I have some experience in this.) Turns out I was wrong.


I copied the log from my offline editor to GC.com, submitted it, and got back an error saying my log had to be less than 4000 characters.


Fair enough. I checked my log using Word, which told me it was over 4500 characters. I edited, taking out words, sentences and paragraphs until my log was just under 4000 characters. I tried again. No luck. Same error.


I deleted some more information. At Word-indicated 3984, the site still wouldn't accept the log.


I kept editing and deleting and retrying to submit my log. Even at 3947 characters, the site rejected my log. When I trimmed it to 3893, my log was finally accepted.


Why the discrepency? Does Word fail to count some characters which GC.com counts? Does GC.com add some characters to my log which count against my 4000 character limit? Is the limit really 3900 characters?


I was really frustrated with the site telling me something, but not accepting the log when I complied with the restriction. What's the deal?



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