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Moving The Prime Meridien


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In the latest edition of The Sciencist (sic) (note the contents of this link will probably change with time) there is the following article. If this gets adopted what will it mean for geocaching? Jeremy better get ready to re-calculate all the coordinates and we had all better get ready to download new firmware into our GPSrs :(


Ribzilla Brings International Geographic Community to Its Knees


Calgary, CA (September 23, 2004) – Over 220,000 individuals have demanded that the prime meridian be moved from its current location initiating the globe’s longitude at Greenwich—just outside of London, England—to the site of a popular rib restaurant in Calgary, Canada. In response to the petition submitted on Friday, Dr. Romeo Holande, president-elect of the International Geographers’ Guild (IGG), declared yesterday during a press conference in Lyon, France, that carelessness was to blame for the mess in which the IGG now found itself.


“It is true that the geographic community generally agrees that the location of the prime meridian is not a definitive. Indeed its current location at Greenwich is purely a convention,” explained Dr. Holande, “but this is a bit ridiculous.”


Ridiculous or not, according to the international governing body’s constitution, the IGG has little choice in the matter. Article 14 states that “all inter-plenary petitions bearing the signatures of more than 5000 members must be accepted and recognized as the will of the general assembly in absentia”—a rule one rib connoisseur has sought to exploit, in geographic proportions.


The petition, submitted by freelance geographer and rib restaurant owner Douglas Seib of Calgary, seeks to move the international point at which the day is said to begin some 114° west—directly over his restaurant.


“I’m the kind of guy that reads everything that he signs. When I joined the IGG, I read the constitution and was intrigued by the possibilities it held, purely from a business standpoint. I figured that if I included the price of a membership in the IGG into the price of a full order of the Ribzilla, or the prime rib, I could sign up at least 10,000 customers in a year. If I could get them to sign the petition on the way out the door, I knew that the IGG would have no choice but to move universal time here, to my restaurant,” commented Mr. Seib during a phone call on Tuesday with a staff reporter.


In reply to a question during the press conference, Dr. Holande remarked, “Although we were pleased to see our membership number climb over the past four months, we hold several reservations about moving the line, not least of which is renaming it as the ‘primeribbian’. I don’t even know what that means.”

Cute, Humorous. Closing this thread. If you would like to continue this thread please do so in the Off Topic area.

Sorry abut that - thread now moved here


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