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Guest Imperitus

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Guest Imperitus

I haven't done any serious hiking, climbing etc in years... I was just wondering has there been any seriously worth while advances in boots and the like equipment? Or are my old trusty boots from way back still prolly the best bet?





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[This message has been edited by Imperitus (edited 01 May 2001).]

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Guest GuyMcBeerdrinker

I bought my first pair of hiking boots about two years ago, so I have no basis of comparison of boots from years past. But, I can recommend a pair of Seal Skinz socks, they always keep my feet bone dry even after I've stepped on puddles or walked across streams. I also don't know how ancient these are, but before thinking of buying a new pair of boots, try a pair or two of Thorlo socks. If you are concerned about cushioning, these could be a somewhat cheap alternative to buying new boots.

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Guest bob_renner

While we're on the subject of boots and socks, I'd like to recommend the following: use two pairs of socks. Use a thin liner sock of a synthetic that wicks moisture away from the skin and a thicker outer sock for cushioning. I use polypropelene socks for both. This has the advantage of having the two layers of socks being somewhat slippery so they slide against each other rather than having the two top layers of skin slide against each other and form blisters. Since using this technique, I have not had any blisters - even on extended backpack trips.



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Guest Imperitus

Yeah, I used to use a liner sock and a wool sock combination when I was hiking. Another advantage was that I could get away with just washing the liners (which dry faster) when out on the hike. The washing the wool when I ge home between trips.





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Guest mcb

I wear Cotten liners and heavy wool socks over that. I have worn Vasque for the last 12 years and you can't beat a good Gortex lined Vasque boot. My feet alway stay dry and comfortable. Vasque is the only good Gotex/Leather boot I have been able to find in Wide.



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Guest Robereno

It?s been interesting watching the styles change since I started hiking back in the 60?s. I have some student assistants who are appalled at my-out dated gear. I still have hiking boots with red shoelaces. ?Way un-cool?. I don?t flail down the path swinging ski poles and my daypack isn?t equipped with the latest ?hydration technology? (rubber bladder with hose).


Originally posted by Imperitus:

I was just wondering has there been any seriously worth while advances in boots and the like equipment?

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Guest Imperitus

I can't agree more on that point. I always thought those ski pole looking things were silly. Heck part of the trip for me has always been finding and carving a good walking stick on the trip. Some of them turned into works of art after several days of carving designs into them.




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