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Coords For Starting Point


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Wanting to add my first cache, and I would like to make it a good one. I know a nice spot,,but it is a path off a road that I know no one would find unless I put the coords for the start of the path.( Not actually a path, an old rail line that is kind of grown in,,but can be seen and walked when known were to stop and look)I need to know how to let the geocachers know that this is the place were to stop their car and start the search. Do I put coords for the place to stop on the road? encrypt the place to stop???? any clues how to make this a challenge would help,,Thanks

Edited by festus3030
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The point where you say cachers should stop their car and search...do they have to walk quite a bit further to find the cache or is it relativily close?


If they have to walk some more, I would include the coords in the cache description. Telling where to disembark from your car is always nice and doesn't really add to the challenge by making cachers figure that out themselves.


If it is a point of interest, definitely put the coord in the cache descriptions. Encrypting wont do much of anything, because you cant encrypt numbers.


The only reason I can find to not include the coords for the car stopping point would be if the cache is hidden withing a matter of feet from that point. Then there is no real need becuase cachers can generally figure that out.

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Thank You Nappy10:


Sorry for the duplicate question in the other forums. Just trying to figure out how to do this,,,had a friend,( Team Ted) take me and my family out for a hunt today ( I found the cache) ,,,liked it so much that I am getting a GPS this week, and wanting to add my own.

just trying to figure out how this all works.

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