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Geocaching And Gis

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I tried to search for this using the handy dandy search tool, but it won't let me do a search in the forums for "GIS" (the word is too short) so I apologize if this has already been talked about or covered. So, if you're one of those OCD affected individuals who cannot resist making a post saying "This was talked about <link>here</link>, I implore you to aid my feeble search skills and post such a message.


Anyway, I was wondering if anyone (besides some major website creators) has used GIS to enhance their geocaching experience. One problem that comes to mind is how to create a list of geocaches along a route. For a GIS, this would involve the following:

- getting a polyline road layer and a points layer containing geocaches

- creating a buffer polygon along your route (or possibly several buffers around interstate exit points (interstate intersects).

- Issuing a query to return the IDs of all points within your polygon(s)


If the above words were gibberish to you, click the back button on your browser, close your eyes, and think happy thoughts.


OTOH...if all that made perfect sense to you and/or you are familiar with GIS systems (Arc/8, GRASS, fGIS), then by all means, join the thread.


Thanks in advance,


Dan C.

Team Vibe

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both me and my freind use gis for work and have found it for the most part to be over kill just to map out points.  She uses microsoft map i think and says its much easyer and it plans your route for you too.

Really? so are you saying that you can plan a route and it will tell you what geocaches are along the route or within range of a certain point (like a rest stop?)


Thanks for the reply,


Dan C.

Team Vibe

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