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Cache hunting checklist

Guest Steve D

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Guest Steve D

I've been building a check list of "essentials" to take when cache hunting (I'm hopeless without a list on most things) and have the following included:

GPS (of course!)


items to trade into cache (varying value/quality)

notepad (for my own hunt notes)

pen or pencil (ditto, and for log entry if none in cache)

small folding shovel

camera (digital, to send to creator on email if possible)


Keen to hear from more experienced hunters any ideas for additions to this list.

Good hunting!

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Depending on the location, I also throw in a little food (energy bar type things), water, a couple of those emergency foil blankets, matches, flashlight and a small 1st aid kit. Obviously if I'm going to hunt in a city I don't bother with all that, but even a 1/2 mile walk in the sticks can turn into a long wait if you hurt yourself.


Its probably overkill, I guess I got it from flying with my dad in Alaska. You had to be ready for just about anything there.




PS In case he reads this: I'm not saying you were a bad pilot Dad! icon_smile.gif

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Depending on the location, I also throw in a little food (energy bar type things), water, a couple of those emergency foil blankets, matches, flashlight and a small 1st aid kit. Obviously if I'm going to hunt in a city I don't bother with all that, but even a 1/2 mile walk in the sticks can turn into a long wait if you hurt yourself.


Its probably overkill, I guess I got it from flying with my dad in Alaska. You had to be ready for just about anything there.




PS In case he reads this: I'm not saying you were a bad pilot Dad! icon_smile.gif

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Guest Mike_Teague

I'll 2nd the food & water... ESPESCIALLY the water... Last summer, when a quarter mile turned into a mile uphill in 90 degree heat, with the water back in the vehicle, I learned the importance of this one.. Luckily there was something to drink in the cache when we found it...


I'd also add, typical hiking gear.. Some good boots, etc. etc.

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Heh. Bad memories of our first cache hunt. We went through our water supplies fast (and my dog was overheating). We ended up taking our water purifier down to a stagnant water hole straight down the mountain (which meant, straight back up again).


Water purifier would be good, now that I think about it. And BUG SPRAY if the location requires it.



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Guest CoastCacher

I like the idea of including some survival stuff at the cache, especially if it is out in the boonies at all. But, folks, just cuz ya got a GPS, yer not still in the city. Please take a compass and local map ( http://www.topozone.com/ is free!), too, lots'o'water (dehydration is really unappreciatedly dangerous), good shoes, first aid kit, and clothes appropriate to the location. Remember the desert and mountains can go really cold on you after sundown.


I'm going to start a new thread on this, as some of the caches I've seen are fairly far from roads, etc.


Hunt safely, friends!


PS to the guy whose dad is a bush pilot: not to blush, you cannot be over-prepared!

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Originally posted by CoastCacher:

PS to the guy whose dad is a bush pilot: not to blush, you cannot be over-prepared!


I wouldn't exactly call him a bush pilot... he (we) hauled so much emergency gear that there was just enough room for the two of us and a couple of fishing poles. The basic emergency pack weighed in at 90 pounds. In winter it got quite a bit heavier.


I never figured out why we needed two weeks of 4 course dehydrated meals in that thing...




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Originally posted by CoastCacher:

PS to the guy whose dad is a bush pilot: not to blush, you cannot be over-prepared!


I wouldn't exactly call him a bush pilot... he (we) hauled so much emergency gear that there was just enough room for the two of us and a couple of fishing poles. The basic emergency pack weighed in at 90 pounds. In winter it got quite a bit heavier.


I never figured out why we needed two weeks of 4 course dehydrated meals in that thing...




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Guest malates2

You never know where you might land... what if the local bears are really picky and say they will eat you unless you provide them with the foods they desire... then you'll be thanking your lucky stars for the dehydrated caviar and key lime pie in MRI form

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Guest LoCache

All of the above, and I always like to bring a Gerber MultiTool (or some other brand) and some rope. I figure with a knife, a multitool and some rope, there's not much you can't accomplish in the woods. I even like to bring an emergency rain poncho which has helped me many times! I also leave them as cache items! And the toilet paper thing is a GREAT thing as well....Only takes one time without it to remember it in the future, believe me!






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Guest n1niq

I found that a clipboard with a clear sheet protector helps keep maps and cache pages organized. the sheet protector keeps them dry as well.

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Guest 300mag

All of the above and don't forget the INSECT REPELLENT. This time of year the fly'(S)/mosquito'(S)are in full strengh and number. icon_redface.gif So if you don't want to be sucked dry by these mini vampires wear some repellent icon_wink.gif

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Guest 300mag

All of the above and don't forget the INSECT REPELLENT. This time of year the fly'(S)/mosquito'(S)are in full strengh and number. icon_redface.gif So if you don't want to be sucked dry by these mini vampires wear some repellent icon_wink.gif

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