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US State Geocache Maps Available

Guest Buxley

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Guest Buxley

I have put together some US State maps showing the locations of all the caches in those states and their neighbors. You can find these maps at http://www.brillig.com/geocaching/


Holding your mouse over a cache icon shows its name and clicking on it takes you to the cache's web page on geocaching.com. New caches are shown in a different color and the most recent caches placed in the region are listed below the maps.


I currently have maps for the states of Arizona, California, Georgia, Massachusetts, Nevada, New York, Oregon, Texas, Utah, and Washington with the rest of the states available soon.


So far you can zoom in on the San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego, Las Vegas, and Seattle areas, but I'll be adding more metropolitan areas once I have a few more states done. Places like Dallas/Forth Worth certainly need it!


Have fun with the maps. I hope they help people planning their next geocaching adventures. icon_smile.gif


Cache on!

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Guest Markwell

I believe that Jeremy is working on something similar on a national basis. The one thing I like about yours that Jeremy's doesn't have is the ability to zoom in to major metropolitan areas.


Jeremy's beta version of the maps are at...



Jeremy: Seems like Buxley might be able to help out with this if you're overworked! :-)

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Guest bigRahn


I admired your California version not long ago, and am thrilled that Washington is now available.


The timing is really good, since we're heading across state this weekend and I was semi-dreading going through the list and looking up coordinates.

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Guest Buxley

I now have maps available for all fifty states on my web page. I'm planning a road trip across several western states in a few months and I'm finding this a great way to discover the caches along my planned route. I hope you find these maps useful as well.


Cache on!




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Guest Buxley

Originally posted by Moun10Bike:

...What did you use as a source for the maps?


I used the U.S. Census Bureau's Tiger Mapping Service ( http://tiger.census.gov/instruct.html )to get the base map images for each state which I then cleaned up in Photoshop. I wrote some custom C code that then calculates the position of each cache, draws it on the map, and outputs the HTML.


And that's probably more info than you wanted. icon_smile.gif



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Guest Quinnow

Originally posted by Moun10Bike:

Awesome work!! (Now, can you plot for me where the Vista I have on order is located? icon_smile.gif)


Moun10Bike...if he were to plot that location for you, it would show my computer desk top shelf. And boy does that Vista look pretty! icon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gif




Quinn Stone

Rochester, NY.14616


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Guest Moun10Bike

Originally posted by Quinnow:

Moun10Bike...if he were to plot that location for you, it would show my computer desk top shelf. And boy does that Vista look pretty! icon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gif


I really can't wait for my Vista. I mean REALLY! icon_smile.gif

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Guest byonke

Got a question. How do you extract the cooridinate and id information for the caches on the geocache webside. I thought it would be helpful to be able to do this and put the data in a waypoint management program. This would be a quicker and more accurate method of getting the info in my GPS.




Originally posted by Buxley:

I have put together some US State maps showing the locations of all the caches in those states and their neighbors. You can find these maps at http://www.brillig.com/geocaching/


Holding your mouse over a cache icon shows its name and clicking on it takes you to the cache's web page on geocaching.com. New caches are shown in a different color and the most recent caches placed in the region are listed below the maps.


I currently have maps for the states of Arizona, California, Georgia, Massachusetts, Nevada, New York, Oregon, Texas, Utah, and Washington with the rest of the states available soon.


So far you can zoom in on the San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego, Las Vegas, and Seattle areas, but I'll be adding more metropolitan areas once I have a few more states done. Places like Dallas/Forth Worth certainly need it!


Have fun with the maps. I hope they help people planning their next geocaching adventures. icon_smile.gif


Cache on!

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Originally posted by Boromir:

The maps are great, any volunteers to do the same for the provinces in Canada?


Man O Man !!!!! These maps are super.This is a fine piece of work Buxley and I have to agree with Boromir,you got to put the provinces of Canada on the map too!


Jude from New Brunswick.

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Guest Digger

Though it's of the 'States (I'm from the UK), have to say that your map is a lovely piece of work. I'm sure I've missed something - but what's the difference between red & blue caches ?


The map is interesting because it show how many caches there are in the US (!!! - back in the UK we have about a dozen in total !) and the geographiuc concentration...you could do an interesting study relating locations to isochrones and travel to work areas...but that would be very spotterish and dull....


Keep up the good work !

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Guest Buxley

erall map of Canada and it can be found at www.brillig.com/geocaching/canada.shtml or via the link at the top of each page on my site. At some point, I'd like to add the individual provinces like I did for the US map (those tiny icons are awfully hard to click on!) but those aren't quite ready yet. There are also a few other countries with lots of caches and I'd like to do those as well.





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Guest Buxley

Originally posted by ALacy:

But now the black pegs are gone.


Yeah I know. icon_frown.gif I hated removing the lost/missing caches (the black icons) from my maps as well but I had feedback from a couple of people that didn't like 'em or wanted them gone (e.g. "My cache got stolen, please remove it from your map.")


I keep tweaking the maps, making changes here and there. Who knows? Maybe the lost caches will return again someday. icon_smile.gif



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Guest jeremy

I will be segmenting out caches soon, so there can be a memorial cache page.


Basically when a cache is reported archived (through the report tool), a decision by the cache owner will be made to keep it listed on the web site under a retired category. They'll also have the ability to remove the coordinates from the page so folks won't go there. This should satisfy the Park Service and satisfy those who wish to read the histories of caches that have been removed/stolen.


I hope to have this feature up soon.



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Guest 300mag

Good idea Jeremy. And Thanks again Buxley for adding Canadian caches to your work. icon_smile.gif

Ps: You can also add ref: gc2e6 or id#742 "Beware of the pit"


[This message has been edited by 300mag (edited 25 April 2001).]

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Guest Buxley

Originally posted by 300mag:

... And Thanks again Buxley for adding Canadian caches to your work. Ps: You can also add ref: gc2e6 or id#742 "Beware of the pit"


You're welcome! icon_smile.gif


I checked the HTML and "Beware of the Pit" is there, it's just obscured at this scale by the "Meech Lake Pressure Cooker" cache which is only 6.7 miles away. Also the new "King of the mountain" cache (about 9 miles away) is currently blocking both of them. Use the "View Source" command to see how close these caches are to one another at this scale.

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