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eBook Format for Pocket Query Generator


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I can't seem to figure this one out. I'm trying to get the Pocket Query Generator to send me my query in eBook format. No matter what I select I get only .LOC files sent to me.


Under "in the formats:" I have "eBook Format (for handheld devices)" checked. Is that all I need to do or am I missing a check box?


- Lone Rangers

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Under "in the formats:" I have "eBook Format (for handheld devices)" checked. Is that all I need to do or am I missing a check box?


That should be all it takes. One or two things you may want to check:


1. Make sure the query you are editing is actually set to run on at least one day, preferably tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Sometimes it seems it takes 24+ hours for changes to "hit the books," so to speak. I've also made changes to wrong query that drove me nuts before.


2. If you haven't selected "Zip Files", then select it. If you have, then unselect it. If your stuff shows up zipped or unzipped, you'll be able to tell if the "make the queries" application has noticed any change you made.


I've noticed over the past few days that the pocketqueries have been sporadic. Maybe there is some other problem somewhere...


Hope this helps...



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