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Religious Items!!??


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I have read all of the posts thus far.


There are multiple sides to this.


Lets just make it simple and end the entire discussion.


If you find a cache and it contains litterature that you dont agree with.


Either Change the item out or Ignore it.


If you decide to change it out then fine, if you ignore it then fine also.


but quit Bit**ing about it.


It is not your cache, you are not the cache owner, and if the cache owner did not want it there then they can remove it when they do maintenance on the cache.


If you are a the one putting in religious or any any other material. If that is what you want to do then fine, dont worry about if you offend someone. For every 10 people that like something there will always be one person that doesnt like it.


If you are a cache owner, If you do not want religious material in your cache then state so on your cache page.


The game has certain rules that must be adhered to. It is completely ridiculous to start making up rules that not the majority agree too.


Some of it is common sense, you dont put KKK or Terrorist propaganda into caches.


This is what I do, If I ever run into anything that I find objectionable then I will simply trade it out. If I run into hate propaganda I am taking it no matter what.


If I run into things that are forbidden in cache's, then it is gone.


If I run into religious material, then it is not my place to take it, after all ...whens the last time I saw a christian booklet saying to go hurt someone because of the color of their skin.


If you find a cache with empty candy wrappers or spent napkins (of any kind) in it (or anything else that you recognize as "trash")... do you have only the choices of trading for it or leaving it? I don't think so! If I find something that I am 100% convinced is trash (and/or offensive)... I'm going to help the cache owner with cache maintenance. I will remove the items that I am wholly convinced are garbage... and will not feel obligated to replace it with something of equal value. Shoot... I replace it with air... which is probably worth more than the trash I removed. I hope everyone does the same! Note: I'm not saying that religious tracts are garbage... I'll let you make that decision!



I honestly do not believe that I am the only person who does a mass pull on cache coordinates and then searches with that information (and nothing more) in hand. This theory of... don't go after any caches that you feel are going to be offensive... is bunk! The first time I saw the descriptions for probably (at least) half of the caches I've found... was when I went to log them as found. I've seen this same argument on (potentially) commercial caches. It's getting old.



If people are going to start putting religious tracts in caches... what's next? Bibles in hotel rooms????




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Do some searches in the forums. This topic has been beaten to death.


Regardless of your opininon of religion in general, each individual has to make a decision about what is right and what is not. Personally, if I find something offensive in a cache I replace it with an item in my backpack. We as a group need to tolerate each other's beliefs.


With that said, since overtly political/commercial items are considered off-limits in a cache, so are overtly religious items. In overtly I mean that you drop in a leaflet that says "where will you go when you die?" or some other "join ** religion" it should be removed (no trade). Advertising is advertising.


However, if you want to drop a WWJD bracelet in a cache, that's your business. But if you decide to drop in a pamphlet in a cache, others have the right to remove it.


Discussing this topic is akin to pouring gas on a fire. Don't bother. There's no point to it and you aren't going to change anyone's mind anyway.


Closing this topic.




Jeremy Irish

Groundspeak - The Language of Location

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