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"Hot Spots" in HTML Code in Long Description


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I like to use HTML code in the description fields of a cache site.


I have a cache description that is actually a graphic (not text) of a letter that contains the clues and challange. One of the areas in this graphic has a linkable hot spot.


The code works fine when it stands alone on a site not part of the geocache site. THE CODE WORKED FINE on the geocache site for approx 2 weeks and then suddenly does not work anymore. I have reports that it works sometimes for others and sometimes does not. It never works for me anymore. The seeker can still just type the html into their browser and proceed with the hunt but it is more effective if the link works.


The site is The Scarlet Letter in ZIP 29621. Look for the Dear Traveler letter that contains "http://...." language. This area should link to an external web page. It does not appear to be a matter of a bad link but that the hot spot is not recognized as the "hand" does not show up upon rollover.


Here is the code in the Long Description. The code was generated by Dreamweaver. Again this worked fine and then stopped. I have not edited the site at any time:


I basically

alter the background

create a table to insert my graphic

point to the graphic on my server

provide info on the location of the hot spot in the graphic and then point to the link


Thanks in advance for any help. C3



<body background="http://homepage.mac.com/mckinney3/KeyCode/A.jpg">

<p> </p>

<p> </p>

<table width="432" height="605" border="1" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#663300" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">


<td><img src="http://homepage.mac.com/mckinney3/KeyCode/DearTraveler.jpg" width="432" height="1476" border="0" usemap="#Map"></td>



<p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div align="center">

<map name="Map">

<area shape="rect" coords="15,600,428,675" href="http://homepage.mac.com/mckinney3/KeyCode/Setting.html">






It looks like "usemap" and "map" were left out when Jeremy implemented the HTML filters. There's already a thread about this in the Geocaching.com Discussion forum; if you post this there, Jeremy will see it and (probably) fix it.

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