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what( waas) that ?

Guest 300mag

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Guest 300mag

I have seen a post where some where talking about WAAS sats.Are these sats suppose to show up different on my gm100 sat status screen?Or in my nmea screen?

So far i do not seem to be receiving any of these different type of sats.


[This message has been edited by 300mag (edited 04-07-2001).]

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Guest IronHelix

WAAS satellites will show up on a GPS page as sat# 33 and above. However, you need a WAAS capable GPS for them to work. If your GPS manual didn't mention them, you cant get them.


What they will do is provide differential data for the normal GPS sats (under sat#32). This will fix your accuracy to around 3 meters. However right now there are only two, one over the atlantic, one over the pacific. You need a really good sky view almost to the horizon to get any WAAS sats.

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Guest 300mag

I will check and see if my gm 100 is able to receive these sats.I will try to call Lowrance for more info on this.

Thanks for your help icon_smile.gif


After checking with Andrew at www.gpsnuts.com he explained to me that the gm 100 doesn't receive these waas sats but Lowrance might have a update for these units coming up.Even with this we wouldn't be able to receive it much in this part of Canada since these are so low.


[This message has been edited by 300mag (edited 04-07-2001).]

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Guest 300mag

I will check and see if my gm 100 is able to receive these sats.I will try to call Lowrance for more info on this.

Thanks for your help icon_smile.gif


After checking with Andrew at www.gpsnuts.com he explained to me that the gm 100 doesn't receive these waas sats but Lowrance might have a update for these units coming up.Even with this we wouldn't be able to receive it much in this part of Canada since these are so low.


[This message has been edited by 300mag (edited 04-07-2001).]

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Guest xsintrik

Originally posted by BigFig:

Anyone know if there are plans to put more WASS birds up - like over North America?


Right now there are only two WAAS sats up. #35 and #47. I believe 35 is over the Atlantic and 47 is over the Pacific. In Mississippi and Texas my Legend can see only #35. I have even gotten WAAS indoors on occation when the atmospheric condition are right. But normally you need a clear view of the horizon. At least until they put up some more WAAS sats.

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