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Uploaded File Size Limit


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Quite a bit about what we do is based on location and/or the scenery associated with our quests. Geocaching.com should allow for larger file uploads. Do you agree?



Duvall, WA


Garmin Etrex Vista


why not just put what you want on a website of your own? You started one for a TB right? Just put what you want on it or another one and post the URL to it when referring to it.


Will definitely save on the speed, headaches associated, and definitely the cost of things.


Brian Wood

Woodsters Outdoors



4 megs!? Holy Moly! I think that is about 3 megs and 900k too much. If every picture was 4 megs, then those of us on dialup will have a hard a time. They are simply pictures and not art. I have a feeling he will change that around somewhat down the road.


Brian Wood

Woodsters Outdoors



I believe by "It will just resize them on the back end" that if someone uploads a 4 meg picture, code will automatically reduce it in size so that it will be much smaller. That way people who have multi megapixel cameras but don't have the software to resize, can just upload them and the picture will be adjusted.


There's tons of software out there to resize images on the backend. I don't think Jeremy would be willing to have a 200x300 graphic use up 2mb of bandwidth... I'm actually surprised that the allowed upload size will be so large. If you think about it, though, the bandwidth being used by the Groundspeak network is almost all outgoing - web pages/graphics, notification emails, etc., leaving almost all of their incoming bandwidth available for whatever they want.


If you google for resizing graphics asp, you'll find tons of stuff they could use. They could be using one of those, or Jeremy et al could be writing their own.



Random quote:


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