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Meridian map screen modification


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There has been some discussion over at the MeriYahoo group about some modification to the MapSend export.cfg file to change the detailed map screen display. Dennis Jimenez did some fairly thorough expermentation and documented his results. Take a look here for his instructions. There is a link on the page that will show some of the results.


I found this to be an easy way to make the map screen show information in a more useful manner.



Often wrong but seldom in doubt


I saw that and it looks GREAT! Will it work with Topo's?


I am a little leary when it comes to fooling around with the software after a failed upgrade to the 3.12 firmware. After the upgrade the unit refused to boot up all the way and shutdown automatically after about 10 seconds.


How easy is this for an outdoorsman not computer wiz?


"Muddeling around with 3.08"


Originally posted by The Commissar:

I am a little leary when it comes to fooling around with the software after a failed upgrade to the 3.12 firmware. After the upgrade the unit refused to boot up all the way and shutdown automatically after about 10 seconds.


How easy is this for an outdoorsman not computer wiz?


I know you already went ahead, but let me reassure anyone else contemplating this that it modifies MapSend such that the detail maps have the information changed on them. If you make a backup of the original export.cfg file before modifying it, then if something doesn't seem right or acceptable you can just restore the original file and re-generate your detail maps.


I consider the risk low, and it's a good confidence-booster for these kinds of changes. Part of the fun I am having with my plat are these little user tweaks.



Often wrong but seldom in doubt


Could some one email the file, or post it some where?


Wyatt W.



The probability of someone watching you is directly proportional to the stupidity of your actions.


I *may* have discovered a problem using this modification for Topo users...the guy who did the original experimenting was using MS Streets & Destinations, so it may not apply to that package.


In this thread I described a problem with my Meriplat spontaneously shutting down. This morning I found that I could reliably evoke this problem by activating my modified detail map--at any detail setting higher than "lowest" the unit would just go blank after a few seconds of display. No route was in effect, and the unit would stay on if I were on any screen but the map screen. If I switched back to an unmodified detail map (i.e., generated with the standard export.cfg file) then the unit functioned normally.


At this point I don't know if I have a bad detail map that merely needs to be regenerated, or if this is a modification that doesn't sail so well on Topo as on S&D. I'll be trying a new detail map when I get home from work tonight.


I'd appreciate hearing if other Topo users who try this modification are having any problems...but I would suggest that you have an unmodified detail mapset on your SD card as a fall-back option until you are confident that my experience is not yours.



Often wrong but seldom in doubt




I am running Mapsend Topo, and created two large regions using the export.cfg modification. I am using a MeriGreen, however, with a 64MB card.


One region is western NY and most of PA (21MB), and the other is eastern NY all the way up to Maine (all of New England, about 35MB).


I went out caching this weekend using the NY/PA map, and had no problems whatsoever. I havent seen any issues at all since I uploaded the new regions. I checked it using different detail settings, and all of them seem to work fine.


I guess I will have to try the mod with my SportTrak Map next to see if it has any issues.


I am also running the new 4.0X firmware versions in BOTH the ST and MG, and have had NO major problems with them at all. Mostly just the multiple tracks around curves, and the solid-to-dashed track line issues.








I'm glad to hear that Topo will fly with this, Art. I regenerated my detail map and, at my desk at least, things are holding together. I'll see if things are still ok on the road tomorrow.


I may have been a little alarmist, but since I originally posted the modification link, I felt a little responsibility to not lead anyone into unexpected difficulties.



Often wrong but seldom in doubt


I have continued to have no problems running the modified topo's(~16 hours total). I have not bothered to change any detail settings because with this set-up I don't have to icon_cool.gif! I did keep a stock version of the map I use on the SD card (128 mb) just in case...cheap insurance against the evil but better than nothing base map.


Originally posted by The Commissar:

Now, where can I get more of these TWEEKS!


I picked this up from the Meridian Yahoo groups listserv. There's a wealth of information that comes through there, although I wish the volume of the messages was less to wade through.



Often wrong but seldom in doubt


I picked this up from the Meridian Yahoo groups listserv. There's a wealth of information that comes through there, although I wish the volume of the messages was less to wade through.


What a mess!


When GPSr's are outlawed, only Outlaws will have GPSr's.


I regenerated a new set of detail maps from MS Topo, but I still had the shutdown problem. I went back to my original copy of export.cfg and re-did the modification. The detail maps I generated with *that* file seems to be working properly. I'll have to do some more extensive testing to make sure that things are working properly, but it appears my problem was due to my error...not Magellan's.



Often wrong but seldom in doubt


Art, do you recall exactly where in export.cfg you made adjustments to the topo line shading? I'm looking through the file and nothing is jumping out at me.



Often wrong but seldom in doubt


I just looked at both export files for Streets and TOPO. They have the same parameters--9 layers and the very same line titles--freeways, highways, major roads, etc. Perhaps the contour lines are handled automatically in TOPO.


In fact, by map convention, isn't the line shading fixed, with heavy dark brown lines the major index with the light brown lines showing the interval? Doesn't look changable in this file, anyway.



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