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Guest Juggler

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Having just found my first cache yesterday (Anglesey, Penrhos Park) it got me thinking as to what items I should put in my first cache.


Can I ask everyone what kind of things they would particularly like to find in a cache?

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Guest PyramidHead

Originally posted by Cape Cod Cache:

I HAVE to find a Brit - American dictionary.


Just one dictionary won't do it, Jason and I have to use the Geordie and Brummie translators at http://www.whoohoo.co.uk/ in order to communicate- And that was after I'd read http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/0946928010/o/qid=1001500176/sr=2-1/ref=sr_bt_1/202-9856239-5493413





[This message has been edited by PyramidHead (edited 26 September 2001).]


[This message has been edited by PyramidHead (edited 26 September 2001).]

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Guest PyramidHead

Originally posted by Cape Cod Cache:

I HAVE to find a Brit - American dictionary.


Just one dictionary won't do it, Jason and I have to use the Geordie and Brummie translators at http://www.whoohoo.co.uk/ in order to communicate- And that was after I'd read http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/0946928010/o/qid=1001500176/sr=2-1/ref=sr_bt_1/202-9856239-5493413





[This message has been edited by PyramidHead (edited 26 September 2001).]


[This message has been edited by PyramidHead (edited 26 September 2001).]

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Guest Cape Cod Cache

Re : translations... The Boston, Massachusetts Public Broadcasting System station was the first to broadcast alot of Brit imports. Starting with nature program(me)s & Monty Python and Benny Hill in the early 1970's, then some more 'Brit-Coms' etc. in the '80's. Question: did they REALLY have to add subtitles to 'East Enders' over there??? Just clarifying a rumo(u)r.


We get alot of British & Irish college kids here in the summer to work the tourist jobs, so I've gotten used to alot, and had an Aussie room-mate in school. Boy the English language is fun icon_biggrin.gif We have some fun here too, I lived in south Florida, never quite got used to hearing a Spanish or Southern accented "como esta y'all?".. But then again I drive a 'cah'(rhymes with 'baa'), unless I 'pahk' it to get 'neah' a 'bah' to have a 'beeh'... Called the consonant displacement theory, in the northeast US we send our unused "R's" to the midwest so they can 'warsh' their hands, if they spill a 'soder-pop' on them.

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Guest Cape Cod Cache

Re : translations... The Boston, Massachusetts Public Broadcasting System station was the first to broadcast alot of Brit imports. Starting with nature program(me)s & Monty Python and Benny Hill in the early 1970's, then some more 'Brit-Coms' etc. in the '80's. Question: did they REALLY have to add subtitles to 'East Enders' over there??? Just clarifying a rumo(u)r.


We get alot of British & Irish college kids here in the summer to work the tourist jobs, so I've gotten used to alot, and had an Aussie room-mate in school. Boy the English language is fun icon_biggrin.gif We have some fun here too, I lived in south Florida, never quite got used to hearing a Spanish or Southern accented "como esta y'all?".. But then again I drive a 'cah'(rhymes with 'baa'), unless I 'pahk' it to get 'neah' a 'bah' to have a 'beeh'... Called the consonant displacement theory, in the northeast US we send our unused "R's" to the midwest so they can 'warsh' their hands, if they spill a 'soder-pop' on them.

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Na then se'thee I'm not holdin nowt tha sees I'm just lakin


An all this lip from a sprog thats knee hight to a grasshopper 'by heck


[This message has been edited by Monz (edited 27 September 2001).]

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