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About the updated Wherigo app and multiple cartridges


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Hi! I have made a few simple linear wherigos earlier (new zone opens when question is correctly answered). This spring I wanted to make a new one, but had to wait untill the Wherigo-app for iPhone was updated. I made the Wherigo using the Wherigo-kit builder, uploaded to Wherigo.com and downloaded from there to my app. I tested it, and there was a hick-up at one zone, so went through the builder once again, couldn´t find any flaws but nonetheless uploaded again to Wherigo.com and this time I could do the whole round.


Yesterday it was published, and FTF-hunters contacted me because of trouble. They wrote something about the first and second I did not understand, but when I went into the app I saw that there now was two cartridges for the actual Wherigo?!? How could that be? The first cartridge crashed for the FTF-hunters at the same point as mine, the secont cartridge crashed (got wrong answer whatsoever one put in) at a different spot where I did not get trouble when I tested before, I went out and did the round myself, and yes I couldn´t get on. I looked into the builder, it was correct. 


This puzzled me. There was someone else who found it first, but they haven´t answered my quiestion how. It got me thinking if there was a difference wether you downloaded the cartridge via the app or via the link to Wherigo.com on the cache-page. Either way, I uploaded the latest cartridge once again, and will get out testing it. But why on earth are there two cartridges in the app?


I looked at my other wherigos, and there are two cartridges for another I´ve got as well. This one I updated with a new finale zone a few years ago, the other ones I have not done any updates one, only one cartridge there. I can´t find any help on Wherigo.com how to "delete" the old cartridge, as it is nowhere to be seen there.


Here is the link to the cache with two cartridges, if anyone would like to take a look and see if you can help me delete the one that is not correct. 




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I'm assuming you're talking about the "Hus i Arvika / Houses in Arvika 2" cartridge.  After looking at the cache listing, I see it's part two of the cartridge you released five years ago.


There isn't a way to delete a cartridge.  You're just supposed to edit the cartridge and choose not to display it in the public listing anymore.  When you outlined your problem, I thought this was what had happened.  It does not look like that's the case.


I see only five cartridges listed in Arvika when I pan the app's map over there and list the cartridges.  When I attempt to download the cartridge, the app gives me a choice between "Cartridge 1" and "Cartridge 2".  This is because it's accessing the cache listing and seeing the links you used in the Swedish and English parts of the listing.  That's fine.  It will download the same cartridge.


I haven't changed Kit's output in years.  I'd suspect it might be more of a problem with the player app than the cartridge.  Kit uses the proximity event and not enter because it was easier to assume a small zone and deal with proximity.  Anyway, I'm not sure what would make a cartridge crash.  There was a time, though, when displaying an input when another input was already shown would crash the Garmin units so bad they'd turn off.  I don't suppose you have two zones with inputs almost overlapping?  This might trigger an input or message at the same time another was shown.  I could make a case for that causing a crash.


Are you just calling an app "crash" meaning it won't accept an answer no matter if someone puts in the correct answer?  If that's the case (it's not really a "crash", then), are you using non-English characters in the answer?  That might be causing problems.

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Hi and many thanks for your reply!


Just to make sure, I have two listings on geocaching.com (an Wherigo.com); part 1 and part 2 of the Houses in Arika, the part 1 I have not changed now, but had to a couple of years ago- new place for the final.


I didn´t know that giving two links on the cache-page would cause the app to list it as cartridge one and two; I thought it had to do with the editing and replacing of cartridge on the Wherigo.com-page. So if I just give one listing on the cache-page it would be only one cartridge. I also think as you, that it´s not the creator that is the problem, the Wherigo app has just been through a large update, so it might be a bug?


I have not used non-English characters in the answers, as you say, I assumed that would cause trouble, and I also did not make zones overlap. The "crash" was that no matter what one wrote as an answer at a specific zone, 


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