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All these Caches.!!!!!!!

Guest Moss Trooper

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Guest Moss Trooper

Can some one explain to me.. i.e. Moi.


How come we have all these Lovelock caches turnin up an yet nooooooooo real takin part in the sport/hobby/passtime.


I bust a gut tryin to make caches interestin an he just plants.. plants.. plants. I know that area very well, used to work at Chobham. Drove over Chobham clump most days for 6 years. An nothin over 20 odd mile. Clues tell yer exactly where the cache is.. if yer can't find it.


Could it be a ploy to see how far his software will spread.. Would be impresed if I saw a copy in Waters of Tyne.. icon_smile.gif.. or Better still Reivers Revenge.


Galls me to think this hobby is to some, is nothing more than a means to push pretty mediocre software.


This is my view only.. I do not represent the feelings of the whole. But I hope they will at least put over their views as well. Am I in the minority or majority. Should a cacher be involved in either plantin, huntin or both.


It will be interesting to see other folks views.


Yer Iceaged (acordin to Jason) Cacher, Moss Trooper.

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I too have wondered.


It seems that we are not alone because there is another thread about this. Looks like the other guy did some looking into Robin's activities.


The other thread voices concern about damage to the spreading of caching in the region, it is a thought.


Tim & June (Winchester)

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Guest The Northumbrian

Your probably bang on with that theory

something I had noticed myself "COMMERCIAL CACHES" another thing thats gets to me is the fella who has visited 17 caches all near to the road and has yet to plant one , hope to get to souter this weekend and then on to plant a couple more off road perhaps somewhere spooky for the nights that you cant seem to sleep



The Northumbrian


[This message has been edited by The Northumbrian (edited 12 October 2001).]

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Guest Kimrobin

I would hope that what is happening in Surrey isn't just a marketing exercise but it must be "cache-bashers" heaven in Surrey at the moment. There are 35 caches within a 20 mile radius. Most of them seem to be pretty un-demanding "walk in the park" types.


In our neck of the woods, there are four caches within the same radius, and two of them are ours anyway.


I guess it could be just a case of sour grapes, but when the nearest cache we haven't done is over 70 miles away and half way up a mountain, it looks like caching might now be consigned to the bin for the winter at least.

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Guest BumbleBee

esn't bother me too much if non appear for a while as I have to rely on Jason for the driving anyway. The closest to me is my own cache 18 miles away. Can I log that one please? icon_wink.gif






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Originally posted by Kimrobin:

I guess it could be just a case of sour grapes, but when the nearest cache we haven't done is over 70 miles away and half way up a mountain, it looks like caching might now be consigned to the bin for the winter at least.


I don't think it's sour grapes at all - I find it incredibly annoying that I have to wade through his cache-spam to get to real caches.


Dictionary Definition time:


Cache: cache (ksh)


A hiding place used especially for storing provisions.

A place for concealment and safekeeping, as of valuables.

A store of goods or valuables concealed in a hiding place: maintained a cache of food in case of emergencies.


Someone made the point about giving precise directions to the cache - what's the point of that ? Why not toss out the GPS and just read the clue ?

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