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How do I export the Found date of a cache if I have edited my log on a later date?

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Dear readers,


I could not find this reported elsewhere, but I might have overlooked.


I used the pocket query page on geocaching.com to export a .zip file with all my geocache logs. I noticed that for a particular cache (https://coord.info/GCA8K4R), the GPX file shows the following log date:


<Groundspeak:log id="1173102475">
          <Groundspeak:type>Found it</Groundspeak:type>


However, I logged it on 9 June (and it shows up as such on geocaching.com). I only posted a very short text, and went back the next day (10 June) to edit the log and expand it into a proper story.


I downloaded the .zip file because I have my own scripts to generate certain statistics and todo-lists. I go back to update logs quite regularly. I now realise that a lot of my stats must be wrong, if the "Found it" log info in the GPX files always shows the date on which that log was last edited, rather than the actual Found date.


I imported the GPX file into GSAK, and it showed two dates: a "Last GPX" on 10 June, and a "Last Found" and "Last Log" on 9 June, see attached image. I guess it has downloaded that information, because I searched my exported GPX file and it is not in there. I tried to export those data from GSAK, but GSAK crashed (I'm running it through wine on Ubuntu, and I never managed to get it stable enough to really use).

Is there a way for me to export or retrieve the Found it date of my logs?


Many thanks for reading, and kind regards,



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Dear pppingme,


Thank you so much for your response!


Sadly, this does not solve the problem. Example: this log of RC-S\8. It shows up as having been found by me on 18 January 2023, which is correct:



However, when I download my finds from geocaching.com and look at the GPX file, I see:

<Groundspeak:log id="1145500879">
          <Groundspeak:type>Found it</Groundspeak:type>

Converting that time to my time zone, SGT, I get `2023-01-19T11:52:11`. This looks like it was likely the date and time at which I created the log. After all, I found the cache late at night on 18 January, so it would make sense that I would log it during a late coffee break on the next day. Sadly, this still means that the date that I get after converting time zones, is wrong.


Again, as I explained in my original post, I think the issue is that this field does not show the datetime that the cache was found, but that of the last time that the log was edited, which is not what I need.


Any other suggestions?


Kind regards,


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