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Mapsource Cd-roms - Differences

Guest Haps

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Can someone tell me what are the differences between the Mapsource Roads and Rec, Metroguide, and Enhanced basemap version of the CDroms are.


As far as I could tell the Metroguide and Roads and Rec were the same from the detail maps on Garmin's webpage.


The enhanced basemap seemed to have a bit more detail.


Can anyone expand on the differences? Specifically for the Canadian Mapsource CD-Roms but an general information would be helpful as well.

Guest mrgigabyte

R & R and Metroguide cover the exact same, very limited areas. These are Metro Vancouver, Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal ONLY. The enhanced base map covers the whole country.


The Metroguide includes the Points of interest (POI). This allows you to search for the nearest MacDonalds or Canadian Tire if you ever wanted to. It also allows you to search for an intersection or even an address, and then navigate right to the front door.


In Vancouver the R & R is excellent. I rarely use the Metroguide but have it loaded anyway. The enhanced base map has very sporadic accuracy. It has some logging roads that have not seen traffic in 10 years, even some that are no more than trails. It locates them within 50m or so. At the same time, it missed the Coquihala Hwy by 10 Km's!


Generally any Garmin map for any area outside the US is crap. I started a very lively tread on the Usenet forum, sci.geo.satallite-nav a few weeks ago. I suggest you go to Google and read the entire thread (50+ posts) on this exact topic. I am not alone in my impression, as you will soon see.





[This message has been edited by mrgigabyte (edited 31 July 2001).]

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