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Log In Problem


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Seem that I have a problem with the log in procedure.


I can go to my cache page when I log but when I want to post something on a cache page, I need to log in again. And when the computer take me back on this page, I'am not logged !


I've just found GC40 and GC599F but can't tell a word about that.


Does someone have an idea ?


Hi Stéphane,


Besides the cookie issue mentionned by Grokky, the problem can lie with accentuated characters in your name...


did you register your name as "Stéphane" or "Stephane"? Not kidding, notice the accentuated "é" (e accent aigu).


It seems to me that you registered with an e accect aigu, but that is was not correctly interpreted by the US bulletin board, which probably doesn't know about extended character codes... icon_rolleyes.gif


Try again registering as "Stephane", without accentuated character!






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