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HQ Ticket for Week After HQ20


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Hi there!  Like many others, my husband and I will be travelling to Seattle for HQ20 and GeoWoodstock.  We were hoping to visit HQ during the week between the two events (preferably August 19, 20 or 21), but all of the tickets were "Sold Out" when I tried to "purchase" one.  Our plane doesn't come in until late Friday, so we won't even have a chance to visit the logbook.  I was wondering if there was a waiting list we could be placed on, or if more tickets would be available at a later date, since it appeared that the Post-HQ20 tickets were 1 hour apart and Pre-HQ20 tickets were 30 minutes apart.  Of course, attempting the Trifecta is an important part of this once in a lifetime trip, and it would be disappointing to leave Washington with only two of the three parts.  I appreciate any insight that anyone might be able to give me, thanks!

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