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Building Outside US


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Hi there, i am trying to build a new cartridge for old town Ribe. However i have the problem that when i try to build my cartridge i can only use coordinates 55 n and 8 e, not the exact location. I cannot set the address properly when setting first zone. The situation is the same the geo coordinates cannot be accepted, and when i try to use map function the app crashes. The app will not open my new build cartridge either. Any suggestions ? The geocode site doesnt work, and the adress dont recognize places outside US though i should be able to replace state with country.

first zone.PNG

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First, go to File and Preferences.  Go to the Units of Measure tab and select the format you want.  If you're familiar with the geocaching format, it's "Degrees, Minutes.Minutes".


Now for your issue.  Instead of clicking the "Add" button in the points section, you can click the "Set..." button just above.  This should give you text boxes in a format you're used to.  The first box is for degrees and the second for the decimal minutes.  You can click "Generate Points" to generate the bounding box (more on that below).  15 meters (40 feet) on a side is good for what that dialog asks you.


Wherigo is supposed to be a game about locations, which are called zones.  These zones aren't supposed to be just a point, though we frequently treat them as such.  So in the zone window that you show in your post above, you'll see "Original Point" and "Points".  Wherigo is supposed to go off the shape your points make.  By using "Generate Points", you make a square.  I've found this is sufficient for most uses.


If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask.

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