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Field Puzzle Ideas


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One of my favorite field puzzle caches in my area was inspired by the game Plinko.

The current cache I'm working on involves a (immediate/small area) scavenger hunt for letters I've written on things that are need to be decoded to open the wooden combination lock I made for the face of the container. It's nothing too complicated, since I wanted it to be the first in a series and allow children to be able to complete it (even if they needed a little help from their parents.)

I'm not very fond of field puzzles that make me look at signs/headstones/plaques, pick out letters, then turn them into numbers for the actual coordinates of the cache because I have trouble with numbers and tend to input the wrong ones, despite what I've physically written down (head injury). I tend to avoid those unless the area or history looks nice, as I think something hands on is much more fun, especially with the cache looking right in front of me, begging to be opened. But, for people who aren't great at wood working or general gadgetry, I can see why they're popular puzzles.

Edited by mimaef
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On 9/19/2017 at 9:08 PM, RufusClupea said:

I suggest you spend some time watching geocache/gadget cache vids on Youtube.

I have, there are some great ideas there! Sadly, I don't know many business owners who would let me place one on their property. So I'm trying to pick out only the best ideas to fill those spots I had in mind. I've already made an ATM themed cache, where the finder uses a credit card to open a birdhouse.

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:huh:  I'm not following; I thought you were looking for ideas for gadget & mystery caches.  There's no reason I can think of that those types of caches have to go on business/commercial properties, and very few are actually on those kinds of properties (though some/many are on private property).  The one I found most recently was in the deep woods of a county park.

With a little thought/effort, most ideas should be adaptable.


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I hid a geocache dedicated to snake, the videogame installed on old telephones.

the cache container is a  flexible tube, containing some marbles. Inside the tube, between the marbles, there is a nano cache which contains the logbook. The tube is not transparent, so if you want to find the logbook, you have to put a marble into the tube and pushing, so that another marble comes out from the opposite side of the tube. Then you pick this marble and do the same thing, until the nano cache comes out.


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