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Harriman SP cachers...


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Has anyone else noticed the round, blue stickers placed on caches located in Harriman State Park? I've seen them on a lot of the caches I've found. These caches have been hidden by a few different people. Does anyone know how the stickers got there? Is a cacher or someone else (park rangers?) putting them on the containers? Here is one example from Stayfloopy's log of "Brokedown Palace":



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Interesting. I know that park officials were surprised to find out about all the geocaches in the park. Maybe this is their way of doing an inventory?


Not sure, but I'm interested in the answer.


"You can't make a man by standing a sheep on his hind legs. But by standing a flock of sheep in that position, you can make a crowd of men" - Max Beerbohm

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Originally posted by Haggaeus:

I didn't notice any blue stickers on the 6 caches found on Labor Day weekend in the western part of Harriman SP (Dutch Doctor - Black Mt. - Boston Mine areas).


That's the very area where I first noticed the stickers. I don't recall which caches had them, but out of the nine I found that day (08/23/2003), enough had them for me to take notice. Yesterday, in addition to "Brokedown Palace", "freedom fighters" also had a sticker. It was under the latch of the ammo can. The container of the third cache I found, "Beech Trail" was destroyed, so I don't know if it had a sticker.

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Originally posted by Rattlehead:


Here's one you found on Aug. 30. - "Music"

Really, and the sticker looks bright fresh comparing to the dirty container, wondering why I didn't see it 3 days later - probably just eliminated it out of memory as an unimportant fact.


Czech caching in US.

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