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Moving Zone problem on Geowigo (Windows 8.1 and 10)


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yesterday I received complaints of two Windows Phone players using Geowigo on Windows 8.1 and 10 on our Wherigo.

They seem to have had extreme problems with two moving zone game elements.


- While moving the zone the app was forced to quit because the OS considered it to be unresponsive.

- The app was sometimes hanging for about 20 seconds with nothing happening

- Sometimes a crash was caused by a moving zone

But the most irritating: All these symptoms were not consistent. After multiple trials, reloading save games etc. the players got everything to work, although it was certainly tedious.


I read that future iOS and Android Wherigo apps might share the same basic code with Geowigo, so I see an urgency to address this issue.


This is the relevant part of the zone moving code:


routeTornado1 = {
   Wherigo.ZonePoint(52.5697691203675, 13.3959706206841, 0),
   Wherigo.ZonePoint(52.5697253140717, 13.3967070300138, 0),
   Wherigo.ZonePoint(52.569344387915, 13.396976524492, 0),
   Wherigo.ZonePoint(52.569097545096, 13.3966982321228, 0),
   Wherigo.ZonePoint(52.5689653631052, 13.3962777190429, 0),
   Wherigo.ZonePoint(52.5689786956917, 13.3956666559819, 0),
   Wherigo.ZonePoint(52.5689825050015, 13.395168404563, 0),
   Wherigo.ZonePoint(52.5693172468004, 13.3951213997122, 0),
   Wherigo.ZonePoint(52.5695591354429, 13.3954598346383, 0)

distanceCenterPoint = Wherigo.Distance(0, 'm')
distanceTornadoBorderPoint = Wherigo.Distance(10, 'm')

function setTornadoLocation(movingZone, centerPoint)
   local newCenterPoint = Wherigo.TranslatePoint(centerPoint, distanceCenterPoint, 0)
   local points = {
       Wherigo.TranslatePoint(newCenterPoint, distanceTornadoBorderPoint, 0),
       Wherigo.TranslatePoint(newCenterPoint, distanceTornadoBorderPoint, 72),
       Wherigo.TranslatePoint(newCenterPoint, distanceTornadoBorderPoint, 144),
       Wherigo.TranslatePoint(newCenterPoint, distanceTornadoBorderPoint, 216),
       Wherigo.TranslatePoint(newCenterPoint, distanceTornadoBorderPoint, 288)

   movingZone.Active = false
   movingZone.OriginalPoint.latitude = newCenterPoint.latitude
   movingZone.OriginalPoint.longitude = newCenterPoint.longitude
   movingZone.Points = points
   movingZone.Active = true

function moveTornadoZone()
   if intTornadoPosition >=10 then  
   local centerPoint = routeTornado1[intTornadoPosition]
   setTornadoLocation(zoneTornado, centerPoint)
   intTornadoPosition = intTornadoPosition +1


The function moveTornado Zone() ist called by a timer after 6 seconds passed - this is part of the Urwigo generated code:

timerTornadeMove = Wherigo.ZTimer(cartForbiddenZone)
timerTornadeMove.Id = "12a64c7c-f47c-455a-9240-11894d08471f"
timerTornadeMove.Name = "Bewege Sandwirbelsturm"
timerTornadeMove.Description = ""
timerTornadeMove.Visible = true
timerTornadeMove.Duration = 6
timerTornadeMove.Type = "Interval"


Does anyone have experience with the above described symptoms with Geowigo, and might have an idea of what could be wrong here? One the players mentioned something about a garbage collection, having to clean up memory allocation after a variable is not used anymore. Frankly I have no clue how that translates to Wherigo lua coding, nor do I find any mentioning of that in any thread.


Appreciate any hint in any direction.



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I read that future iOS and Android Wherigo apps might share the same basic code with Geowigo, so I see an urgency to address this issue.


Hi! Thanks for reporting this issue in such detailed fashion.


Frankly, I'm not surprised Geowigo would have difficulties handling this code. Unlike the iOS and Android apps Charlenni is developing around the Wherigo Foundation engine, Geowigo is made using a very slow Lua virtual machine. That was done in order to support Windows Phone 7. However, version 1.0.24 will be the last major version to support WP7. My priority for the next version is to switch to a native, fast Lua virtual machine which will hopefully bring performances comparable to these users are accustomed to.


The bottom line is, I don't have any deadline to offer for this next version...

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