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Everything posted by charlenni

  1. If I remember it correct, the only reason, why we didn‘t used a higher version of Lua was, because we wanted to compatible with the Wherigo.com website, which uses Lua 5.1 for compiling.
  2. Hello, I also got an invitation. Made long time ago, the compiler on the Wherigo Foundation website and a core for Wherigo players. I think, the problem of Wherigo isn't Groundspeak. They are not helpful, that's right, but they got, what the real problem is: Wherigos are difficult, complicated and time-consuming to create. You need someone, who could create a game, design the layout, creates beautiful images and, at the end, could program the cartridge. You need weeks to make a good cartridge, and then players consume them in less than an hour. I also made some cartridges by myself. At the beginning, I thought, that the many bugs inside the development environment are the problem. But later on I got it, that even, if there were any bugs, I could get in trouble and produce nothing, that others would play. That said, the biggest problem is the content. The next is the idea of zones. You think, you could draw them on the screen and think, what happens if the players go inside. But then the player has difficulties with the location. Bad coordinates, so she/he has to walk around for many minutes or couldn't reach the zone. It is no fun to do this, and so you get bad comments for your cartridge. Therefore, not only you need patience, but also the player. That said, the second-biggest problem is the technical side of the Wherigo player. I would say, the problems you will solve with a new start of Wherigo is the third-biggest problem: the environment for developers. What ever you do, I would say, it is always too complicated for normal "developers" to create a cartridge (see the biggest problem). PS: Something similar as Wherigo is Actionbound from a German company.
  3. Do you get the error when starting the cartridge or while playing?
  4. The iPhone player doesn't have a complete Lua implementation, so don't expect all things working
  5. For the first problem, you could use the Lua function "tostring()" to convert a number into a string. For the second, you could check the entered number in the input event. Check, if the number is lower than 0 or greater than 9. If so, display a message, that the number is wrong. If you don't want to give a hint, you could use the Lua function "math.abs()" (see http://lua-users.org/wiki/MathLibraryTutorial) to get the absolut value.
  6. No, there isn't a version to download. I stopped development because of Groundspeak. I assume, they aren't interested anymore in Wherigo. And without an ok of Groundspeak, I don't publish any App, that contains the name "Wherigo"
  7. You should take a look into the Testsuit, which you could find here. Start this cartridge on your player and select "Inventory"-"Timer tests"-"Intervall". Start this test and you should see a possibility, how you could achive, what you want. Find the Urwigo source code at the link too.
  8. Not feresh the description of a Message box. Fresh the description of an item or character.
  9. Yes, try to show it in an item description. Call the item "Stop watch" and change the description each time in the tick event. This should work on the iPhone too.
  10. You didn't mention, which player do you used for testing, but I assume the official iPhone player. It is the only with sliding in pages With this in mind, it is very difficult to suggest something. Messages are always slide in. List are only updated, if you refresh the screen by hand. You could change an item description and show the new value there. The bigger problem could be, that the iPhone timer is much slower than timers on other devices. Users reported, that 1 second on iPhone are 2 seconds in reality
  11. If I remember it correct, the date/time is different from player to player. So it isn't a Urwigo problem, but a player problem.
  12. Ok, your problem is, that you use the OnClick event of Tasks. This event isn't fired on Garmins and isn't fired on webwigo emulator too. It isn't a problem with the input. That works great. It is a problem with calling the input. You should call your inputs from an item command.
  13. It would be helpful, if you could describe, what the problem is. There are problems with Garmins, but it isn't sure, that they are the same.
  14. Soory, but this isn't the correct thread. You should look for the Groundspeak Wherigo player for iOS or, even better, create your own thread.
  15. Did you use a font with bigger size in Windows? Perhaps the window is to small, to display the whole list. Try to scroll down to see the tasks.
  16. Check, if your description isn't to long (around 800 characters) and contains no special characters (only 7-bit ASCII). Try to compile it on the Wherigo Foundation website. The compiler there finds sometimes problem, that the Groundspeak compiler doesn't find.
  17. Here in Germany I know of at least one Wherigo, which has 2 caches. I see no problem, because you could solve the same Wherigo for each cache. Sometimes you have to play a bit longer
  18. Perhaps the GPS of your smartphone hasn't any location information. You should start the player and wait some time to get a fix for the satelites.
  19. Yes, select a point in the world by adress doesn't work with Groundspeak Wherigo Builder, even if you use another map for the emulator.
  20. Correct would be yourObject:OnCommandName(target) where "yourObject" is the variable name of your object (not the caption or description) and "target" is the object, which the command should use as target. In your case myCharacterIdentifier:OnTest(nil) should work.
  21. Normally the stack overflow comes, if you call a function from inside the function like function Test() Test() end So you should look at the part of the second try, if it calls the second try again.
  22. You should create a variable. Than set this variable to zero in the begining of your cartridge (OnSTart event). Each time the user answer a question correct or enters a penality zone, increment this variable with 1. At the end, you could check if the value of this variable is 5. If not, activate the penality zones.
  23. This isn't a question regarding Urwigo. You should ask it again with an own thread in this forum.
  24. Best place in english is the Wherigo Foundation Wiki. There you find all relevant informations.
  25. You mean the character the user is looking on in the detail page? No, that isn't possible. Or do you have anything else in mind. Perhaps get the identifier for a character, which Name you know?
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