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trackable book series – New Zealand edition


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Hello fellow geocachers,


my name is Mattea (M@tea on geocaching.com) I'm original from Germany and I'm pretty new to Geocaching, but in just a few weeks I became really passionate about it. And because I'm here for one year to do my Bachelor degree in Communication Design I thought that Geocaching is the perfect topic for my final project. So I came up with the idea of creating a series of books dealing with Geocaching in different countries. They should be Trackables and travel from cache to cache, so be in the possession of a cacher for some time to read it, before continuing its journey.

I will design the edition for New Zealand and for this I'm after some nice, adventurous, exciting Geocaching stories in New Zealand. What have you experienced being out geocaching in this amazing country?

Furthermore ...

Any funny NZ muggle experiences?

What are your favorite caches / routes / spots?

Any remarkable Mystery Caches?

What is special about Geocaching in NZ?

I would be very happy if some of you are willing to help me with this project and happy about any sort of contribution, whether complete formulated stories or smaller input.

Of course you would be mentioned as a contributor in the imprint :-)

Thank you in advance


Cheers Mattea :D

You could either leave a comment here or send me an email at matteas@web.de

I'm of course pleased about every question and suggestions, too.


Hello fellow geocachers,


my name is Mattea (M@tea on geocaching.com) I'm original from Germany and I'm pretty new to Geocaching, but in just a few weeks I became really passionate about it. And because I'm here for one year to do my Bachelor degree in Communication Design I thought that Geocaching is the perfect topic for my final project. So I came up with the idea of creating a series of books dealing with Geocaching in different countries. They should be Trackables and travel from cache to cache, so be in the possession of a cacher for some time to read it, before continuing its journey.

I will design the edition for New Zealand and for this I'm after some nice, adventurous, exciting Geocaching stories in New Zealand. What have you experienced being out geocaching in this amazing country?

Furthermore ...

Any funny NZ muggle experiences?

What are your favorite caches / routes / spots?

Any remarkable Mystery Caches?

What is special about Geocaching in NZ?

I would be very happy if some of you are willing to help me with this project and happy about any sort of contribution, whether complete formulated stories or smaller input.

Of course you would be mentioned as a contributor in the imprint :-)

Thank you in advance


Cheers Mattea :D

You could either leave a comment here or send me an email at matteas@web.de

I'm of course pleased about every question and suggestions, too.


Hi Mattea


You might find more NZ cachers active on this forum: New Zealand Recreational GPS Society


What is special about NZ geocaching? One thing, from what I've seen, that seems unique to NZ is an unwritten convention to name the town the cache is placed in so you will have, for example, "Some Cache (Wellington)" or "Another Cache (Auckland)"


NZ only has two "states" North Island and South Island (and Chatham Island too I think) so NZ cachers have subdivided those states by a naming convention.


FWIW: NZ is home to the first geocacher with an implanted trackable (that's me). Would love to interview you about your trackable book series for our geocaching blog www.notaboutthenumbers.com. Is it okay if I send you some questions by email, Mattea?


Thanks Huntleigh for the tip with the GPS Society. I had visit the website before but forgot about the forum, I will post there too.

The naming convention thing is very interesting too.


Thanks kjwx, of course I'm happy to answer some questions and reverse I would love to interview you about your implanted trackable, if it's ok I would mail you some questions too :-)

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