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Aruba earth cache


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We are traveling to Aruba which is an annual trip for us. We would like to do an earth cache. Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions? I have done reading about then geography of the island but I need some guidance on how to create a worthwhile earth cache.

Thanks for any help!


Hello wisjanine,


It looks like I'll be reviewing an Earthcache on Aruba shortly :)


Although I don't have suggestion for what topics/locations would make a great Earthcache, I can give you some general advice with respect of developing an Earthcache while on vacation:


1) Prepare yourself in advance by making yourself familiar with the guidelines and the other sources with regard to Earthcaches. You could make a print out of the guidelines to take along.


2) Try to find (some) geological information about the location you are visiting. This helps you to understand the geology better and gives you a means to develop your Earthcache. If possible take the article/book/etc. along to the site so you can directly related the information with what you see.


3) Keep in mind your Earthcache listing (also) needs to be submitted in the local language (which for Aruba is Dutch or Papiamento), although you can wait with translating it until your English (or other language you prefer writing in) version is approved.


4) Also keep in mind that you might need permission in order to place your Earthcache. Try to get this permission when you are at the site from the proper authorities or at least make sure you receive contact information of the person/institution who/which can provide this permission.


5) Make sure you have checked nearby Earthcaches to ensure yours is unique.


Enjoy your vacation and I'll be looking forward to your Earthcache!




GeoawareGBL / Global Earthcache Reviewer


Thanks for your help. Is it permissible to have an earthcache that takes folks to the highest point on the relatively flat island? Would I need to teach visitors a "lesson" on the highest point? That is one idea I have. The geography of the island is not extremely diverse, so I am wanting to prepare my potential earthcache, in advance, appropriately. I so appreciate any help you can give me! Thanks!! If you would like to email me directly, I am open to that.


Is it permissible to have an earthcache that takes folks to the highest point on the relatively flat island? Would I need to teach visitors a "lesson" on the highest point? That is one idea I have.

You certainly could teach a lesson about the highest point (e.g., lava uplifting, differential erosion), or you could explain some geologic feature that can be seen from the highest point. But, as you noted, the island is rather flat. So, the top of "Mount" Jamanota might not be all that interesting to many geocachers, either from a scenic or geologic perspective.


Are you planning to visit Arikok National Park, which looks like a more appealing destination? It seems to have interesting wildlife (including iguanas and donkeys), Arawak paintings, old gold mines, and plantation ruins. Geologically, it has lava, limestone, and quartz diorite formations, as well as caves that people can enter. I'd probably prefer to find an Earthcache in this area.


An Earthcache that got people into the water, either wading or snorkeling, also could be lots of fun. Maybe a geology lesson on the creation of coral reefs or beaches.


Speaking in very general terms, EarthCaches that are based solely on a "high point" are often difficult to get into a publishable form, because often the earth science lesson is lacking. If you can make a good earth science lesson using that point as the coordinates, go for it! But if it's a big stretch, then you might consider finding a different location on the island.


GeoawareGBL's tips are very good ones.

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