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A new cache size "mini"


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I think that there sould be a new cache size called "mini" because there is a cache pod I like to use that is bigger than a mico but smaller than a normal,and you can buy them at any army/navy store.


I would follow my GPS to the gates of hell if it pointed that way.

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Hmmm, could we be using the same container? I have the same thing at my Detention cache -- smaller than a normal, bigger than a micro, and found at an Army/Navy surplus store. I just listed it as an "Other (See Description)". The cache page says nothing where you'd normally see a cache size, so that sort of forces you to read the description and I've described it there.

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It might be helpful, yes. "Regular" caches span quite a range at the moment. Being slightly media-minded, I've concluded there are ones you can fit a VHS video into, ones that'll take a CD but not a VHS video, and ones that won't even take a CD, but they're all "regular". Then, of course, there are also those that are just so full of stuff that it's a challenge just re-packing with what was in there already. icon_wink.gif


Purrs... LazyLeopard http://www.lazyleopard.org.uk

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It might be helpful, yes. "Regular" caches span quite a range at the moment. Being slightly media-minded, I've concluded there are ones you can fit a VHS video into, ones that'll take a CD but not a VHS video, and ones that won't even take a CD, but they're all "regular". Then, of course, there are also those that are just so full of stuff that it's a challenge just re-packing with what was in there already. icon_wink.gif


Purrs... LazyLeopard http://www.lazyleopard.org.uk

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A new mini size option would be great. We have used these Army surplus containers, and like them, they are very water tight. However, you MUST remove the lable and scratch or melt out the instructions as they are very scary if found in the woods by the un-suspecting; the contains were for bio-contamination kits!



Click image for more info


They are $1.49 each and measure 4.25" tall by 3.25" wide by 2" long.




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Originally posted by Geo-Vamp:

I think that there sould be a new cache size called "mini" because there is a cache pod I like to use that is bigger than a mico but smaller than a normal,and you can buy them at any army/navy store.


I would follow my GPS to the gates of hell if it pointed that way.


I've used these a few times and have more waiting to be filled. I just use 'normal' cache size and I have not received negative feedback. I don't even give much of a size description... just 'normal'.



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The picture they posted is the very pod I'm talking about that is a really great cache pod it is air/water tight and it has it's own hook for hanging from banches and a nail head.It is my most favorite pod to use.


I would follow my GPS to the gates of hell if it pointed that way.


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