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Caching with iPhone4 and eTrax 10?


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Hello everybody!

I am new with geocaching (and this forum) and started this hobby after finding the Groundspeak app for iPhone. After few finds with iPhone, I have realized just few things I need more: a bit more accuracy and better battery life.

So I will keep on caching with iPhone because there are several things I can do with it but can't with a GPS-device.

I would like to buy an additional device just to fill those two holes in my setup, without paying too much.

After reading similar topics from this forum, searching the manufacturer sites and comparing the specs of different models, it looks to me that Garmin eTrex-series would be a good choice.

So, why not even the simple eTrex10 with a black and wite display?

I will keep on logging, using Google maps, getting cache info, taking photos and many other things (like reading this forum) with iPhone. Just need a device for longer treks without possibility for charging and for better accuracy when not in open area. Also I would not like to pay for maps.

Do you have experiences of the new eTrex10?

Thanks for opinions in advance! :-)


edit: sorry about the typo... can't edit the headline :-/

Edited by Keokas
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Hi, Keokas.


I have the new eTrex 20, which is very similar to the 10 but with more features. I think you would find both the accuracy and the battery life to be excellent on the 10. Like the 20, it can receive both GPS and Glonass satellites; I've been very pleased with the accuracy of my 20 even when in GPS-only mode. Also, I've had it about a week and the batteries have scarcely gone down yet.


However, you mentioned not paying for maps. The eTrex 10 has only a rudimentary basemap (presumably the same one as in my 20), and you CANNOT add more maps to it. If you want any maps other than the basemap, you will need to get an eTrex 20 or 30--or consider some other GPS receivers, such as the older eTrex models. Here is a link to the list of Garmin's mapping handhelds:




Perhaps you could buy a used older eTrex and stay within your budget. Good luck!

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You might want to start looking around for closeout sales on the older Etrex models, now that the new ones have arrived. You might be able to get a new one cheap.


I agree that you'll probably want a model that allows you to add maps. Also make sure it has USB connectivity and comes with a cable...most of the newer ones do, except for the Etrex H, I think.

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The accuracy of the iPhone 4 is comparable to most hand held units. So you may not see that big of a difference with a hand held unit. But battery life and durability will be a huge improvement.


If you haven't been told yet then here it is. Any GPSr you get and your phone included will only be accurate to about 10 feet. The COs unit will also have an accuracy of about 10 feet. So combined your unit may show the cache 20 feet off from the actual cords. Bottom line is once your unit/phone says you are within 20 feet of GZ its time to find the hide and stop looking at the screen.

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Thanks for the replys!

I had the new eTrex in mind because of the Glonass-satellites feature. It should bring more accuracy, right?

iPhone4 is very good in certain situations, and certainly 10 feet is enough. It is just that I am hoping that a dedicated (new) GPS unit would be better in tree-covered areas and maybe in bad weather.

The maps... I had in mind that the maps in iPhone woul be enough for rough navigating and the accuracy of eTrex would bring me the rest (even without good maps)... But maybe I should consider that I need better maps in eTrex too?

I am now in South-America and after 10 months I will probably move to Finland. Not sure if for ex. Brazil maps are available for eTrex20?

Is the world base map in eTrex10 really that bad?

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The eTrex20 costs 90€ more than eTrex10. (Finland) That would be around 120 US$.

After what I have read so far, I am with the eTrex10.

In combination with my iPhone, the 10 looks like a very good solution.

What else you really need, than rough guidelines in a map, if you can plan (or check details) with another device that you carry anyway?

Convince me for eTrex20, or I will make an order for the cheaper eTrex10 ;-)

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I used to cache the way you are planning -- handheld GPSr for accuracy and the iPhone for cache information and everything else. You are correct, the handheld unit will offer better accuracy under tree cover than the phone does -- at least that has been my experience.


Once I got my hands on a GPSr with paperless caching features, I never went back to my phone, unless it was to phone a friend because I can't find the cache. I found using one device to be a better experience, even if I still carry both.

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Definitely good point, DanOCan. One good device would probably be better than a compromise of two average devices.

But considering that no dedicated GPS can do all that iPhone can, that I anyway always carry iPhone, that a best dedicated GPS-device (plus maps) would cost many times more than eTrex10 (which is as accurate than any), that in city areas iPhone is all I need, the only thing concerning me is the bad quality of the pre-loaded basemap. (Besides they say that eTrex10 supports paperless caching...)

So I am still a bit between eTrex10 and 20.

Somebody in this forum said, that he likes to cache with a GPS-unit without any map in it at all! (Well, I am old enough to have navigated with a paper map and a compass... and it is not so long time ago :-D ) So lots of different ways and opinions... And of course the terrain makes a big difference too.

But thanks a lot for participating this discussion! (I am a bit more with eTrex10, but should see some screenshot of the basemap that Garmin puts in it.)

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So, I made up my mind and ordered an eTrex 20.

In the future I will use it in locations where Garmin topo-maps are available.

But meanwhile, what are the options excluding the rough base map? F.ex. Brazil, what kind of maps are possible to find / load into eTrex 20?

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