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Transfer Varibles to other cartridge


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You could create a custom string that represents your cartridge's current state, spit that out in a message box, and have a player put into another cartridge's input box. You can then parse it out, assign values, and do whatever you want with it--just so long as the player entered the string correctly.

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I'm guessing that what the OP wants to do is to automatically retain some context / information from cartridge A and have this available for cartridge B. For example, you can only start cartridge B if your device contains a code saying that you completed cartridge A, or perhaps the place where you start B depends on the order in which you visited the zones in A.


If that's what's required, then no, it doesn't exist. Each cartridge .GWC file is essentially inviolable, and doesn't have any way to interact with the file system or some kind of "cookies".

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I use urwigo but what I meen is, to transfer the vaiables of a played cartridge to the next one of a multi-parted story


You could bundle all the stages into one cartridge and have get the user to choose which stage (s)he wants to play




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