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We need some help with a translation

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we want to add a Greek translation of the mission ("Current GOAL" and "About This Item") of our geocoin to its trackable page, but we don't speak any Greek. It would be very kind if you helped us.


The current goal is the following:


"Please let me accompany you a little along your way and write me a saying about love in my Tracking History."


(If you speak German as well, the original text is: "Bitte lass mich dich ein Stück auf deinem Weg begleiten und schreibe mir einen Spruch über die Liebe zu meiner Reisegeschichte hinzu.")


And about the item we wrote the following:


"This is the Spring version of the Ginkgo Leaf Geocoin in Antique Silver with Translucent Green."


(And again, if you speak German as well, the original text is: "Dies ist die Frühlings-Version der Ginkgo-Blatt-Geocoin in Antik-Silber mit durchscheinendem Grün.")


Thanks a lot in advance!


tea for two

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I'll be more than happy to help you with the text in Greek. In the beginning I thought of some pages(!!!) but it's only a couple of sentences! :)


Here is the Goal:

Άσε με να σε συνοδέψω για λίγο στο δρόμο σου και σε παρακαλώ γράψε μου ένα ρητό για την αγάπη που θα μείνει στο ημερολόγιο ταξιδιού μου.


And about this item:

Αυτή είναι η ανοιξιάτικη εκδοχή του γεω-νομίσματος με το φύλλο του δίλοβου γκίνγκο σε πεπαλαιωμένο ασημί χρώμα με ενδιάμεσο διαφανές πράσινο.


That's it. A piece of cake!

I'd like to see the geocoin though. When you activate it and if you add a picture, will you post the link?

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Hello wind&water,


thank you very much for the translation!


The coin is already activated. It was set out in Germany and the very first geocacher took it more than 2000 km to Rhodes, that was a great surprise! You can see the coin under its Trackable's Page TB3DZRJ.


Greetings from Germany!


tea for two

Edited by tea for two
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