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Call for Copas @ Vigo


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I will be staying and working at Vigo from April the 10th to May the 6th. Most of the weekdays will be spent... well... working, but I was thinking of using the remaining time to get to know the area better with the help of geocaching too.


I was wondering if there are any local geocachers lurking here on the forum willing to join for a quick meeting or two (perhaps a dedicated event) or some cañas at the end of the day. It also bugs me to have a Mega Event right by my doorstep on the 1st of May and being stranded there, so if there is anyone interested in travelling from Galicia to Oeiras (http://coord.info/GC2K04R) and getting back, I would gladly pay for my fraction of the fuel and tolls...


Looking forward to getting some replies soon. :)

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hi, local geocachers arent really much.... us, sufridores celestes.....and 2 or 3 more....

when you come to vigo send me a user message to arrange a meeting and if you want we can show you local caches.

about the mega event...... its too far away, almost 5 hours driving....

where are you came from?

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I'm originally from Lisbon, that's why I said it would be insane to drive alone to the mega event, drive back to Vigo for another week at work and then head back home again on the next week. I already have a plan B, which is to get myself to Porto or something and then hitch a ride from the local cachers.


5 or 6 geocaching teams are enough for a quick meet'n'greet event. I've had some with less people on it...

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acho que podemos levar a conversa a uma mistura de portugues e galego melhor


mais cerca do periodo que voçe vai vir trabalhar a vigo podemos escolher un dia para marcar un evento....

um pequeno encontro para trocar experiencias e conversar. sexta feira no final da tarde, ou sabado acho que seria bom dia.

vou tratar isto com os sufridores celestes (a ver se aparecen por aqui.) e seguro que se une o evento algum geocacher local mais.

cumprimentos Ana

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