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Cache HideSeek direction options


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On the Cache Hide Seek page it would be handy to have a way to search from a point in a direction. E.g. I'm heading East from my house and would like to see just caches in that direction.


One way to do it would be to enter a Starting and Ending heading and they would default to 0 thru 359. If I wanted East I would enter 50 to 130. That would create an area shapped as a Pie Wedge.


A second option would be to enter a direction compass heading and width of corridor. So I would enter 90 degrees and 30 miles which means East and I'll go 15 miles north or south of

the East line. This would define a rectangle.


In thinking about it more I guess I would lean towards the pie wedge. But either has there uses.


If you impletement this then on that page is would be handy to have a button to default in my home Lat/Long.

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Some of this could be done from Pocket Queries and some of the software out there.


As a charter member, you could get an overkill on the pocket query (the closest 500 unfound caches within 100 miles) and take that loc file and open it with Geobuddy.


From there this program would allow you a rectangular selection (you define the north, south, east and west borders and include all caches within those borders).


Or, what I do...


Take the Geobuddy and transfer waypoints in the file to something like MS Streets and Trips and visually look at the information.



Chicago Geocaching

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