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Jebel Ahkdar Oman

Desert King

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Planning to do a geocaching trip next week to Oman. I just wanted to check if we need a road permit to go to Jebl Akhadar. According to most cache info it looks like we will just need to show our passports.

I just wondered if anyone could confirm this?




Desert King


Great that you are going to this amazing place.


There is a police checkpoint at the base of Jebel Al Akhdar - just up the wadi/gorge from Birkat Al Mawz


here they check the following:

# Do you have 4x4

# Your drivers licence

# Insurance for the car


No fee payable and they are really friendly - should not take more than about 1 minute


I trust this answerrs your question - and look forward to seeing your logs of finds on the top :)


Great! Thanks so much for confirming this. One of my neighbours keeps insisting that we need a permit.


Thanks also for your early reply as we are heading off tomorrow morning hopefully to have breakfast in the Temple of Doom and then coffee at Nessie's Omani cousin and a late lunch between heaven and earth!


Really lookıng forward to some great vıews and some great caches!


Happy Geocaching!


Desert King


Enjoy - and try rescue some TB's - I look forward to possibly 2 FTF's on my 2 new caches (Nessie and SA 10 year)?


Do take a trip to the end of the road near SA 10 year if you have the time - some stunning views across to the cave and the houses on the cliffs too.


Thanks once agin for your help. We had a good trıp wıth yes 2 FTFs. Unfortunately our GPS started goıng haywıre after the border so we were unable to do the Temple Of Doom. I thought it may have just been the border post etc. However, our GPS worked ıntermittenly so we were happy that we managed to do as many caches as we did. However in the end it completely packed up - our second GPS ın a year seems lıke we are jinxed! Fortunately it is still under warranty.


Anyhow we loved the views and loved the area and enjoyed the scary roads. Thanks to all of you who have put caches in this area as they make a great trip. Defınıtely will return some time in the future to do the caches we dıd not have time for!



Happy Geocaching!

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