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I have been using a few scripts with Firefox and the greasemonkey add-on for the GC.com website which seem to make some very useful adjustments to the site. I know that there was onother post about the GC vote script which is a similar idea.


Here are a few that I've found, and find useful.


Waypoint finder This also puts the TB tracking number on the logging page - meaning you don't have to type it twice to retrieve/discover the TB.


Quick Link Menu This can be edited to link to the SA Forums quite easily.


Quick Hint


Locus Prime A site with a whole lot of scripts


Lil Devil GC scripts - another site with a few options


a few more scripts


Has anyone else been using these?

Edited by boris
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On a similar note, talking about enhancements.


Some other enhancements I have add to my installation of Firefox:


Dictionary switcher:

I have a (free)Dutch dictioanry, (free) Afrikaans dictionary, and a (free)ZA English dictionary.

This allows me to switch between them, and can check the spelling on any text-box in Firefox.



3 Day and 5 Day forcast right in the status bar of Firefox for any town in the world.

I have mine set to Sandton and Edenvale, and can switch very easily between them. If we go on holiday, I add the town/city we are going to.


IE Tab:

Some web sites just dont work with anything other then IE. With this enhancement by a click of a button it opens up IE inside firefox, so no reason to even have a shortcut to clunky old IE.


Session Manager:

Remembers your previous sessions. Shut down Firefox, with open tabs, and when it starts up again they are all still there. No need to add bookmarks to remember which tabs/windows were open on the previous session.


Tabs open relative:

Tabs open up next to the current TAB, rather then at the end.



Sync all your short-cuts (and optionally your passwords) with a store on the internet. When I get home on my home PC, it re-syncs all the shortcuts, and I have the same as at work.



Allows me to enhance certain web sites like GC. and allows me to remove certain advertisements on other web sites. I have also used it before to debug some browser issues.


On my kids PCs at home I have added KidZui. An add on which changes the look of Firefox a little, and makes it safe for them to browse the nett.


And then there is the MozBackup software. Amaaaazing!

When re-installing Firefox, after, lets say, reformatting the hard drive, or changing to a new PC, make a backup, and then restore. E-v-e-r-y t-h-i-n-g is there. Short cuts, passwords, themes, add ons, everything.

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