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Ground Speak Weekly Update Suggestion


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My suggestion would be to reorder the weekly topics in exactly the opposite order they currently are (think local user first, not national topics):


I. Recently Published Geocaches (25 Caches)

II. Upcoming Events (3 Events)

III. Upcoming "Mega" Events (7 Events)

IV. Groundspeak's Geocaching iPhone Application Adds New Features!

V. Geocaching in the News (6 Articles)

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While were at it can we ditch the "geocaching in the news" and mega event sections over here as I and I am sure most pepole over here arn't awfully intrested in whets in the Americain press or events in the states or if were lucky on the continent, I know we have a mega event and I would have thought that everyone intrested would know about that as it covers the whole of the UK.

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