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Need recomendations for a basic gps for caching

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I had Garmin 60c and its maps were out of date and I really wanted a unit with tbt directions and multi point routing. So I researched with garmin which models would have these features and be able to be used for caching. and be able to import all my datafiles of waypoints. I got the 765T and am very very pleased with it... for driving.


What I've discovered is that just because a gps CAN be used for geocaching doesn't mean you SHOULD use it for geocaching. In short, it sucks. switching to geocaching mode" for lack of a better term is cumbersome, the map zooms in and then back out, it's not as accurate as I'd like, and ... well... I really wish I'd kept my 60c cause I could use it for just goecaching. Cie la vie.


So now I need to get a basic gps unit that's going to be good for caching. I don't need any features, directions, I don't care about maps, POI or music. I have my 765T for all that. I want one that will be simple to use and point me in the direction of the cache. period. Ok, if it supports paperless caching, hey that's pretty darn useful, but it's not a necesity. I don't care if its a newer model, older model, jsut as long as it's reliable and good for caching. I've tried to research this but honestly, it seems like most units today are geared toward all the fancy features that I don't need.


So... any suggestions?

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Well, your best hand-held is going to be the Vista HCx for $214. You could work your way down from there in terms of features and price. Personally I wouldn't go below the Venture HC but that's up to you. Perhaps you'd just be happy with the High-sensitivity receiver and the arrow that the Legend H provides.


Stay away from the older models.



Edited by BlueDeuce
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