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Pelican cases


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Just bought a Pelican case for use as a cache container. It's a nice box, very well made and should do the trick nicely. Just one thought though, there's a pressure purge valve on the side. How does this thing work? I assume it lets air in should the pressure inside fall below ambient atmospheric pressure but would this let water in as well? If it lets air in then surely water might follow, if this was the case it could leak. I'm sure it wont but how does this thing actually function?



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Just one thought though, there's a pressure purge valve on the side. How does this thing work? I assume it lets air in should the pressure inside fall below ambient atmospheric pressure but would this let water in as well?

The purge valve lets air out if the pressure inside is greater than the ambient pressure. Doesn't work the other way.

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From their FAQ website, it says the valve is made of Gortex to allow pressure to equalize but keep water out. Some of the big ones would be hard to open if you sealed them up at altitude and decended before opening them.



Thanks for all the answers, much appreciated. Just had a good look at their website. There's a video there that explains the valve. It is indeed made from gortex and it allows the passage of air in either direction yet prevents water from entering.


I doubt very much if it would cope with submersion but for keeping damp air out I bet it will be just fine.


I'd buy a few of these cases but they're so darn expensive!!

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