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Table Headers not displaying


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:mad: Anyone else have this problem?


I was reviewing my profile and noticed that the Headers for two tables are missing. If I change the html code to denote a table data <td> instead of a table header <th>, the table data will display. In the code snippit below, I've change the header row that reads

<td bgcolor="#660000"><font color="#FFFFCC">A Goal for 2009</font></td></tr> to display as table data.


I've checked this on both Explorer and FireFox with the same results in both places. I'm running a laptop with Vista and 2gb ram.


I have another similar issue with the display of the code from FindStat3 GSAK macro, but I'll deal with that later and it is not included in the code below.




<br/> <table border="10" bgcolor="#FFFFCC" box="" bordercolor=

"#660000" cellspacing="10" cellpadding="2">



<th bgcolor="#660000"><font color="#FFFFCC">WHO IS BLAIDD-DRWG</font></th></tr>



<td>Mike (Blaidd Drwg) retired from the US Army in 1995 and resides in

the countryside north of Cement OK with wife Karen, and our dogs

(Pup and Molly). Mike works as an Information Technology Specialist (civil

service)for the Army.<br>

Karen, the other half of the team, also works for the civil service

as the Chief of Plans and Operations for Department of Logistics at

Fort Sill.</td></tr></table>

<br/> <table border="10" bgcolor="#FFFFCC" box="" bordercolor=

"#660000" cellspacing="10" cellpadding="2">



<td bgcolor="#660000"><font color="#FFFFCC">A Goal for 2009</font></td></tr>



<td>Becoming tired of micro caches, I'd like to try to concentrate on caches rated as regular or large in size. At the start of 2009, my regular size caches sit at 31.5% and large at 0.6% of my total finds. This is compared to 39.5% micros.</td></tr></table>




Edited by Blaidd-Drwg
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