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Setting up a new cache


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When you report a cache using the online form, you'll see a short description text box and a long description text box. You'll also see a check box labeled "The description below is in HTML". Check that box.


Then in your short description box, put this:



<img src="location of image on internet" />


<p><font size="2">Put your short description here</font></p>


Then upload your picture to one of the free photo hosting services, like Photobucket or Image Shack. It will provide an address to the uploaded file called "URL". This is the actual internet location, and the one you want to replace in the example above where it says "location of image on internet". The address will start with "http:// ...."


Now your image will appear just above the cache short description. You can also add this later at any time by using the "Edit Listing" button, and checking the HTML box, and doing the same thing.


Here's one of mine:




I suggest you use a reasonable sized photo to upload. I use 500 pixels wide by 188 pixels high. Any larger and the photo will be too large and obtrusive to someone just wanting to read the cache details.


Good luck :)

Edited by Kohavis
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