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Legend HCX, same problems as the Vista HCX

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I've done a search, but can't seem to find the answer. Does the Legend HCX seem to have the same problems as the Vista HCX concerning the track and speed errors at slow (walking) speeds?


Yes, and they are partially solved by the 2.6/2.6 update. It senses lower speeds, but it seems to me to be quite noisy, with the speed bouncing between around. I suspect further improvements are coming. Check www.gpspassion.com handheld forums for further info..

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Just a thought - Vista HCx and Legend HCx both seem to have the same issue with occasional errors in location, which can be corrected by a shut-down / restart.


My Summit HC has never exhibited this problem (touch wood!), and I don't think I have heard of anyone else with a Summit HC or Venture HC complaining about this issue. (Although to be fair, there are probably a lot more HCx users out there than HC users, so it may not be an equally representative sample.)


As far as I know, all four units share the same basic hardware (same high-sensitivity receiver, same patch antenna, same overall form factor), and the latest software releases all seem to be pretty much "in sync", in that the same set of issues has been rectified / updated in the latest software for all four models.


So, what is the difference between the units?


1) The HCx units can take expandable memory cards; the HC units have fixed memory only.

2) The HCx units can do auto-routing in the unit; the HC units can't do auto-routing.


Apart from that, they are pretty much the same, I believe.


To assist in tracking down the root cause of the problem, it might help if users of HCx units which exhibit the accuracy problem do some tests such as:


1) unloading all auto-routing maps;

2) turning off auto-routing (is that a user-selectable function?); and

3) even removing the memory card;


to see if any of these can eliminate the problem.


A bit of a nuisance, I know, and frustrating to disable a function which you paid good money to get, but if it helps track down the cause of the problem, it might help Garmin to resolve it.


Just a thought.

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