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Bug: Comparing numeric values


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In the course of trying to document inputs, I had occasion to experiment with various conditions on a numeric variable. I noticed two restrictions that are built into the builder.


First, when I choose to compare a numeric variable to a literal value, my only choices of literal values are numbers between 0 and 100, inclusive. I can type in the spin-button box, but it limits the result to 100 or less. Eventually, I imagine that somebody will want to test larger values.


Secondly, text or multiple choice inputs can be stored in a number variable. This is definitely handy in situations where we want to treat the input as a number. And the engine (or, at least, the emulator) properly sets the variable to nil when the input is non-numeric. Unfortunately, the builder does not have a construct for testing for nil. There is no way to specify nil as the literal value to test. (In Lua, nil is a type not a value. But the behavior of the equality operator would yield the "right" answer if we could just get a nil in there.)


These are definitely minor enhancements, not earth-shaking problems!



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