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Having a cache code before hiding a cache


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When creating a new cache, what is the best way to have the cache code before placing it?

Indeed I would like to write the code on the log, but this code will be generated once the cache is hidden and I can give the coordinates..

Can I ask for a cache creation, get the code, place the cache and update the information after the fact and before the cache is approved and published?

Thanks a lot! :(

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1. Create your cache page with as much or as little information as you have available.

2. Uncheck the box that says "Yes, this cache is active." This removes your submission from the queue of caches seen by the site volunteers as awaiting review.

3. Put your cache through, then click the link to view the cache page. Write down your brand new GC number.

4. Hide your cache.

5. Come home and edit your cache page.

6. When you're ready for your cache to be reviewed, put a checkmark back in the box that says "Yes, this cache is active." Your reviewer will then see your cache awaiting review.

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1. Create your cache page with as much or as little information as you have available.

2. Uncheck the box that says "Yes, this cache is active." This removes your submission from the queue of caches seen by the site volunteers as awaiting review.

3. Put your cache through, then click the link to view the cache page. Write down your brand new GC number.

4. Hide your cache.

5. Come home and edit your cache page.

6. When you're ready for your cache to be reviewed, put a checkmark back in the box that says "Yes, this cache is active." Your reviewer will then see your cache awaiting review.


Many thanks! Very helpful!

Edited by Devoluy
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