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Finding cities on Worldmap


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I installed the Worldmap on my new VistaHCx (had to do it at the local library because I'm on a Mac) and everything looks good, however when I go to search for a city it only shows US cities in the list, although I can see them loaded on the Vista.


Is it that Worldmap does not allow a city search and I'm actually searching the US basemap or is there something that I'm missing here?

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OK I think I've got it sorted. I found the Basemap and Worldmap listed in the map section and when I turned off the Basemap all the cities disappeared.


But I still don't understand how come that all the cities on the Mapsource Worldmap do not show up on the internal city database. Is this how it is supposed to be?

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No. But there is an option to "Change Reference" but that entails scrolling the whole world to put my pointer there which freezes up the display, and even if you do set a new reference it just displays cities near the point, a search still only looks at the basemap. I suppose the Worldmap is very close to useless anyway. I've just put it back on eBay and got what I paid for it so it's not big deal but I am surprised. I just wanted something to play with till the new Metroguide comes out ;¬)

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