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Harriet the Spy

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Are earthcaches subject to the .10 rule that regular caches are?


How does the reviewing process work? I understand that I submit to GSA first then Geocaching. Is it the same page or do I make a new one? If its the same page how do I form my page up, it seems I need to submit things in word document form.


Does the earthcache have to be right at the site or can it be an overlook? For example I have in mind a beautiful glacial lake. It is best viewed from higher up to take in the views of the lake and the mountains reflecting in it.


How many paragraphs is the usual standard for the earthcache?


Thanks for your help!

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I will answer the questions that I know the answer to, and then I will let others answer the questions that they know the answer to.


Are earthcaches subject to the .10 rule that regular caches are?


No, the coordinates can be on top of another cache. You do not have to take in account where other caches are placed to list an earthcache.


How does the reviewing process work? I understand that I submit to GSA first then Geocaching. Is it the same page or do I make a new one? If its the same page how do I form my page up, it seems I need to submit things in word document form.


Directally from the Geocaching guidelines:


"All Earthcaches must be submitted and approved through the Geological Society of America – the regional Groundspeak volunteer cache reviewers have no involvement with Earthcache listings. The Earthcache submittal form and Guidelines may be found on the Earthcache.org site. http://www.earthcache.org/ "


I had an earthcache published and this is how they did it. I submited it to earthcache.org! Then GSA reviewed it and then approved it. It then went into the reviewer box for "Geoaware" (a volunteer reviewer on GC.com specificly for earthcaches) and geoaware reviewed it for the GC.com guidelines part. Then he published it under his name. He will send you an adoption request. Once you accept it, then you own your earthcache listing.


You do not have to submit an earthcache form on geocaching.com, because geoaware does that for you.


Does the earthcache have to be right at the site or can it be an overlook? For example I have in mind a beautiful glacial lake. It is best viewed from higher up to take in the views of the lake and the mountains reflecting in it.


How many paragraphs is the usual standard for the earthcache?


Thanks for your help!


Someone else will have to answer that.

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