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Feature Request: Micro Cache Icon


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It's a little frustrating to have to keep clicking caches to find out if it's a micro or not. It would be much simpler if we could tell at a glance by using the icon system. We have the green lidded box for all physical caches, a yellow lidded multi box for the multicaches. So why not a pill box, or Altoids tin, or film canister looking one for the micros?


Please save our Micro Sanity.


Thank you.


Fish Rockette

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Actually, that's already there. On the search results page you show the distance from your home co-ords, the green or orange colored lid, icons showing bugs or coins and a rectangular icon. Here you find the difficulty and terrain ratings and a depiction of the cache size - micro, small regular and large. (and an x for virts and such). You can just scan down the column and spot micros, whether you hunt 'em or hate 'em. There's other stuff you can do as a premium member, filters to be set, that sort of thing.

Good luck on your micro hunt!

And welcome to the insanity!


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It's a little frustrating to have to keep clicking caches to find out if it's a micro or not. It would be much simpler if we could tell at a glance by using the icon system. We have the green lidded box for all physical caches, a yellow lidded multi box for the multicaches. So why not a pill box, or Altoids tin, or film canister looking one for the micros?


Please save our Micro Sanity.


Thank you.


Fish Rockette

I understand your point but as has been said in many threads at different times, a micro is a size of cache not a cache type. You can also have micros that are multis and then you'd have folks making the request for an indicator that the micro is a multi because they don't like multis. No answer than your own work really would work for all the possibilities.



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