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All points Bulletin for Missing TB


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Attention all Geocachers! Attention all Geocahcers!

Be on the lookout for a missing TB. The TB has been missing since

September 15, 2006. The TB was last seen in the cache By Road or by Rail http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_detai...ee-ddef07040920

However, it was logged by two different people on 9/22/06, at an unknown location.

The missing TB is a Keychain, it has the metal keychain loop, and a round gold design with the Cub Scout Promise written on it. http://www.geocaching.com/track/details.aspx?id=124430

If you should see this TB please confiscate it, you may log it, and contact me

for furthur instructions.


Please pass this information on to other cachers.





Attention all Geocachers! Attention all Geocahcers!

Be on the lookout for a missing TB. The TB has been missing since

September 15, 2006. The TB was last seen in the cache By Road or by Rail http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_detai...ee-ddef07040920

However, it was logged by two different people on 9/22/06, at an unknown location.

The missing TB is a Keychain, it has the metal keychain loop, and a round gold design with the Cub Scout Promise written on it. http://www.geocaching.com/track/details.aspx?id=124430

If you should see this TB please confiscate it, you may log it, and contact me

for furthur instructions.


Please pass this information on to other cachers.





Based on the logs, I'd say it looks like the cache has been muggled. I wouldn't hold my breath.


Odd that the log date is later than the date the cache went missing though. Probably just a bad date on the log though.


Attention all Geocachers! Attention all Geocahcers!

Be on the lookout for a missing TB. The TB has been missing since

September 15, 2006. The TB was last seen in the cache By Road or by Rail http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_detai...ee-ddef07040920

However, it was logged by two different people on 9/22/06, at an unknown location.

The missing TB is a Keychain, it has the metal keychain loop, and a round gold design with the Cub Scout Promise written on it. http://www.geocaching.com/track/details.aspx?id=124430

If you should see this TB please confiscate it, you may log it, and contact me

for furthur instructions.


Please pass this information on to other cachers.





Based on the logs, I'd say it looks like the cache has been muggled. I wouldn't hold my breath.


Odd that the log date is later than the date the cache went missing though. Probably just a bad date on the log though.


My one and only (TB clickie) has been missing for 2 years now. :D


I'm pretty sure what happens is that a cacher picks it up and then quits caching.... doesn't respond to emails, etc. Kinda frustrating.


My one and only (TB clickie) has been missing for 2 years now. :D


I'm pretty sure what happens is that a cacher picks it up and then quits caching.... doesn't respond to emails, etc. Kinda frustrating.


Two years?? By the logs, I'd say a little over one year, but hey who's counting :D. Was it really a $10 bill with a hole punched in it? My guess, if so, it was too tempting for some little twerp to walk off with (either that, or the bill ripped, and there was a $10 bill left floating in the cache)...


Given though that it hasn't been spotted for over a year, do you think you might want to move it to an unknown location? Just a thought anyways.


Another thing, is sometimes cachers may pick up a bug, and loose it before they get a chance to log it (or forget that they have it). I did that once with a bug. Luckily, I found it again, and was able to move it along.


A little more research shows that "ourstodestroy" picked up the bug, and never logged it (its at this point that I would have e-mailed them a friendly note, and remind them to do so).


May stilll show up. I was unable to place a TB while out of town so I put it in a local cache to get it moving again, this was back last October. Due to bad weather, time of year or whatever the cache was not logged as being found for over 2 weeks. Someone reported it missing from the cache, I check and confirmed it was gone. yet another month passes and it's now logged in Sweden, some 6300 Km away.


May stilll show up. I was unable to place a TB while out of town so I put it in a local cache to get it moving again, this was back last October. Due to bad weather, time of year or whatever the cache was not logged as being found for over 2 weeks. Someone reported it missing from the cache, I check and confirmed it was gone. yet another month passes and it's now logged in Sweden, some 6300 Km away.


I've sent several emails, but to no avail.


And no, it wasn't a real $10 bill, just a one-sided photocopy, although it's been pointed out to me that I probably broke the law by photocopying money.


I drive over 100 km/hr on the freeway as well. :o


May stilll show up. I was unable to place a TB while out of town so I put it in a local cache to get it moving again, this was back last October. Due to bad weather, time of year or whatever the cache was not logged as being found for over 2 weeks. Someone reported it missing from the cache, I check and confirmed it was gone. yet another month passes and it's now logged in Sweden, some 6300 Km away.


I've sent several emails, but to no avail.


And no, it wasn't a real $10 bill, just a one-sided photocopy, although it's been pointed out to me that I probably broke the law by photocopying money.


I drive over 100 km/hr on the freeway as well. ;)


In Canada, it is not against the law to photocopy bank notes provided you photocopy only one side (i.e. not a two-sided copy), the reproduction is reduced or enlarged at least 25% (I think it's 25% anyway, it has to be significantly changed in size), and that you do not try to pass it as real money.


In fact, the photocopying thing isn't so much against the law as a copyright violation. The illegal bit is the last item.


Dear Teamwilliams,

Unfortunately I must be the bearer of bad news.

A cacher who goes by the name Xterracacher was the first to find the Byroad or by Rail cache.

He wrote in the log book that he was taking the travel bug from the cache and placing it in safe keeping.

He also claims on his profile that there is a cacher out there claiming to be xterraccaher but the only difference he claims is that the "opther" xterracacher has a period or a dot after the name.


I have been inside xterracachers house and he has a desk FULL of Travelbugs that he has kept. Another cacher who went by the name geojihad took 30 or so caches from a TB hotel that xterracacher owned. After geojihad was pressured he was forced to return the TBs to xterracacher. Xterracacher has the 30 TBs that geojihad took as well as a whole lot of TBs that xterracacher has stolen.


There are other cachers out there who know of xterracachers collection.


You will probably get no where with him though because he likes to blame others whenever the finger points at him.

His initial downfall was when he and some other cachers cheated big-time in a caching game where there were hundreds of $'s in winning.


Since then he has been bannished for life from his favorite geocaching website at www.vigps.com due mainly to the fact that no one in othe community trusts him any longer. He is a cacher who asks others to take him to caches so he doesnt have to do the hunt. He used to hang out with kermode and kermode took him to many caches.


Anyway thought I would fill you in on who stole your travel bug. I have sent you a private email containg contact info for xterracacher including his real name and phone nummber .


Good luck if you phone him you just may get it back.


Merry Christmas to everyone.

Posted (edited)

I am not sure if you are speaking of the Travel Bug that is missing from the by road or by rail cache but I know for a fact the xterracacher took it I have seen it at his house along with many other TB geocoins and jeeps.

On xterracachers profile he has a list of all his FTF caches and By rail or by road is one of the FTF that he lists. I also saw his not in the log bok stating he took the TB for "safe keeping" whatever that is.

He however did not log the cache on the cache page.

One can only sdpeculate as to why but my guess is that he forgot that he was pretending not have found the cachebut did note it in his profile.

There is another cacher whom lives very close to xterracacher that can also verifty that xterracacher has a huge amount of TBs in his house. It was alll in his plan for framing the a bad cache stealer who went by the name of kermode and many others. Kermode was banned from geocaching but xterracacher continued to destroyt caches and steal TBs and coing and blame the kermode guy because it worked well and everyone would believe it.


I stil think that anyone missing a TB on vancouver island should send and email to xterracacher asking for the tbs back.


he can be reached at

(removed by moderator)


Since kermode has been gone things have been mellow on the island but xterracacher I think still uses kermode as a scapegoat for things xterracacher has done and may continue to be doing.

Edited by mtn-man

Interesting that "kermokey" claims to be new in his profile, yet posted several email accounts for this user he is bashing. Interesting that he has this user's full name and phone number as well. Kind of makes you go hmmmmm doesn't it?


Emailing this information using the GC system is a violation of the Terms of Use for this site I believe. I have reported your potential abuse of the system.


Since all of the TBugs that kermode has stolen from families and kids have been kept, I would say that based on the two posts from "kermokey" that yours is also a victim of Kermode as well. It is a shame that someone is basically taking toys from kids, but it is what it is. It is a shame that BC has really become a stable place, except for this lingering kermode issue of TBug theft and cache destruction. I am so glad to see so many of you keeping the chin up and the caching strong.

Posted (edited)

Kermokey is the name of a proposed security system which would have prevented this individual from trashing caches and stealing geocoins and travel bugs. Unfortunately, it would have made it very difficult for the general geocaching public to participate in this great sport, and so could not be implemented.


It's interesting that the very person who is the culprit chooses that name for his latest subterfuge.


This person also goes by numerous other names: Kermode, Yukon Cornelius, xterracacher. (note the period), xterracracher, sgtcacher (or something like that), swordfern, geoplanet, geojihad etc etc


The latest apparently is to email people from the account xTerraCacher@hotmail.com


This hotmail is NOT the real xTerraCacher...(Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, they say). This person is very slick and convincing and his sliminess knows no bounds.


If you wish to contact the real xTerraCacher, please use the geocaching.com email system.


Cache on! i am!

Edited by xTerraCacher
Posted (edited)

I have the Travel Bugs in my possesion. They WERE given back to me.

I am nasty.

I am responsible for all the negative crap that goes on here in the geocaching community ion the ISLAND.

It was simple all I had to do was stand up be a man and own up to being a cheating (profanity removed by moderator).

Edited by mtn-man
I have the Travel Bugs in my possesion. They WERE given back to me.

I am nasty.

I am responsible for all the negative crap that goes on here in the geocaching community ion the ISLAND.

It was simple all I had to do was stand up be a man and own up to being a cheating (profanity removed by moderator).

Once again, notice Kermode's typical operating procedure. This time, he added two periods after the "xterracacher" name. He comes in to a family friendly forum using profanity. It is no wonder that he has been banned for so long. It is too bad that the innocent cachers of Vancouver Island and B.C. have to deal with this.

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