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Carnegie Libraries

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I realized that there is a libraries category however many if not most of the Carnegie libraries are no longer used as libraries. More than 2500 of the libraries were built between the early 1880's and the late 1920's. They were built in 8 countries. If interested in getting this category going click here.

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According to a political friend of mine, there are only 8 Carnegie Library buildings left in Ontario. I know where three are, in fact two are within my normal work area.


They are gorgeous buildings, and I suspect most in this category would be.


:D The Blue Quasar


Looks like there are more than 8, BQ. I found this site that lists 18 in Ontario



I've posted the Carnegie Library in Fergus in the Ontario Heritage buildings category and the Libraries category. Looks like I'll have one more category to post it in if Carnegie Libraries becomes a category.



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