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Stupid Question # 765.4

Lakeshore Geocachers

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Go to your "My Pocket Queries" page, click on the querie you want to delete, and at the bottom of the page that appears is a button to delete the querie. That easy.


Click on the query name for the query you want to delete. Scroll to the bottom of the edit page that comes up. On the bottom are 2 buttons, the "submit information" button that you can use if you just want to edit that query to get results, and a "Delete this query" button.....guess what that one does. :)


On a side note, when first setting up a query, DON'T select a day for it to generate. After you've entered all the information you want, hit the "submit information" button and on the next screen click the "preview the search" link. This will show you the results your query will generate. If no caches come up, you know you have something wrong, before you've "wasted" one of your 5 queries for the day. When the preview shows the results you expected, THEN select the day for it to generate.

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