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Right Church, Wrong Pew


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I visited two caches in the same land trust area today. Just as my finger hit 'enter' I realized I had just placed a TB as having been left in the wrong one of the two caches. I tried being brilliant and 'finding' the TB to then place it in the correct cache. Opps, need the number! Until a few minutes ago I wasn't keeping a file of the TBs I found that incuded the serial numbers (notice past tense). Posted a note on both sites about the error for now. Is my only real recourse to go to where it is and get the serial number to list a find and then list it at the correct site? ;)


Tell the owner of the TB ... since they have all the info about the bug to release it initially, they should be able to grab it and drop it where it belogs. I did this not too long ago myself...

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